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Crowding Teeth

Dr. Sumaiya Khan
Crowding of teeth is a dental problem where there is less space in the dental arch for all the teeth, which gives a deformed look to the mouth. This article discusses the various causes and treatment alternatives for this condition.
Crowding of teeth is seen in many children and sometimes even in adults. This is a condition where the teeth are misaligned and tend to overlap one another in certain regions. There can be many problems that a person may encounter due to this condition. Besides the obvious problem of aesthetics, crowding teeth can also lead to difficulty in maintaining proper dental care, due to the inaccessibility to some parts of the tooth. This can lead to problems like widespread tooth decay and pain in that area, formation of plaque and calculus between teeth, loss of attachment of gum tissue leading to gum recession, etc.


One of the common causes of crowding teeth is a relatively small jaw size. This does not mean that there will often be micrognathia, i.e., an actual visible small jaw, which is small in size due to a developmental abnormality. It simply means that the amount of space available in the arch is not adequate for all the teeth.
This problem is especially aggravated when the wisdom teeth begin to erupt. Another common cause is the presence of bad habits. Sometimes, habits like sucking of thumbs and breathing from the mouth may lead to narrowing of the palate, which in turn may lead to crowding of the teeth in the upper arch.
Another common cause in adults is due to an improper eruption sequence. Sometimes, when the milk teeth get decayed, they are extracted to make way for permanent teeth. In such cases, if a space retainer is not placed, then the tooth that erupts could erupt in an improper position and can also erupt before time due to the empty space. This could lead to further crowding when all the other permanent teeth erupt.

Treatment Methods

The treatment for crowding in teeth will depend on the underlying cause. If the jaw itself is small, then one may need to use equipment that will help in increasing the amount of growth or in positioning the jaw in a slightly more forward position. This can however only be done during the growing years of the child, that is, till the teens commence. Once the jaw growth is complete then there is nothing much that can be done, besides perhaps surgery.
The most favored option though for dealing with this condition is orthodontic treatment. In this treatment, brackets and wires are placed on the crowding teeth and then by tightening the wires, force is applied to them, thus, bringing about tooth movement into their desired position in the dental arch.
As mentioned earlier, this is a serious condition that needs to be dealt with. This is because not only can it create various problems that will affect dental health, but it can also be a very visible unaesthetic trait. Hence, it best to visit a dentist and get this condition treated at the earliest, because the longer it is delayed, worse will be the prognosis of the case.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.