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Cyst on Scalp

Nicks J
Formation of bumpy skin growths is one of the cyst on scalp symptoms that gradually increases in size and produces a typical odor on the scalp.
Cyst on scalp, also referred to as sebaceous cysts, is one of the most common scalp problems that interferes with normal hair growth. Cysts are similar to pimples and appear as elevated structures on the scalp. Although cysts generally appear on the face and the back, they can also affect the scalp. Usually, a cyst on scalp is harmless and may remain for years without causing any pain. One can feel the bumps when moving the fingers over the head.


Presence of large number of cysts can make the scalp smell bad. What causes these bumpy structures to occur on the scalp? Experts say that lack of proper hair care is the prominent reason why cysts develop. It is observed that blockage of hair follicle with dirt can trigger the formation of cysts. Inflammation of hair follicles can also cause cysts to form on the scalp.
Also known as pilar cyst, the affected part of the head with cysts, may show mild to moderate loss of hair. However, in most cases, a bald spot due to cyst on scalp rarely occurs. As aforementioned, cysts are painless lumps but their presence can surely make the scalp itchy.
No wonder, a person having cysts on his scalp cannot restrain himself from scratching his head frequently. The itchiness associated with formation of scalp can be quite annoying and may not allow the person to fully concentrate on his work.
In most cases, cysts appearing on the scalp are small, and hence are ignored. Occurrence of a large cyst on scalp is a rarity. These small bumps grows at a very slow rate and hence they often go unnoticed. However, cysts will get exposed in people with extensive baldness. This can be slightly embarrassing but the good new is that there are some very good treatments to eliminate these actual bumpy 'feelings' at the earliest.


As aforementioned, this skin condition is one of the itchy scalp causes. Many times, these lumps on scalp disappear without any medical treatment within 1-2 weeks.
However, those in a hurry to eliminate these bumps can implement the following treatment options:
  • In order to get rid of cyst on scalp, one can use hair care products such as gel or shampoos that are specifically designed for cyst removal. Shampoos containing herbal ingredients are quite effective to treat this scalp problems.
  • Heat therapy such as warm compress or use of prescription antibiotics may also be helpful to eliminate these lumps in head.
  • Surgical removal of the cyst is also possible. Surgery is the last approach to get rid of scalp cyst and is used only when cyst cause immense pain or are affected with a bacterial infection. Depending upon the size and the number of cysts, the doctor may take 10-15 minutes to make the scalp free from these skin growth.
Keep in mind that squeezing or popping the cyst is not the solution and will only give rise to a secondary infection. Also, when it comes to draining a large cyst on scalp, one should consult a physician and not try do it at home.
This is because doctors know exactly how to drain this bump safely, without causing damage to the affected skin. Taking proper hair care by washing it on a regular basis is an easy way to keep scalp cyst at bay.