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Dark Urine During Pregnancy

Marlene Alphonse
Dark urine during pregnancy is a common occurrence and may not be a cause of grave concern. However, persistent urine discoloration and other changes may have to be reported to a doctor for exact analysis.
It is common to notice some changes in the body during pregnancy. From the time of conception till childbirth, the body undergoes a series of hormonal changes, which can be seen physically in terms of increase in bodily weight, changes in the way the body may function, etc. One such change is noticing dark urine during pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, the urine may be white or pale yellow in color. But when a woman is expecting, or during any other illness, the color may change to a darker shade. Some women may also experience the color to be amber or dark yellow. Its bad odor is not uncommon either.

Reasons for Dark Urine

Though this condition is relatively harmless and hardly a matter of grave concern, it is better to get to its root cause. As it may be an indication of some abnormality, visit the gynecologist if you have even an ounce of doubt in your mind.
  • One of the main reasons for noticing urine color changes is because of dehydration. This condition is caused by persistent vomiting, particularly in the first trimester, which leads to water loss. This in turn results in lower output, which is concentrated and may appear as dark yellow in color.
  • If the output is cloudy, it can be due to a condition called proteinuria. When there are molecules of protein passed through the urine, it may give a dense appearance. This can be observed in women who are in their second and third trimester.
  • Contracting urinary tract infection (UTI) is very common in pregnant women. Other symptoms may include burning sensation while urinating, and an extreme urge to urinate.
  • Another common cause is cystitis or bladder infection This is caused due to a surge of hormones in the body, which is usual during this phase. This increase in the hormonal levels causes the bladder to enlarge and the muscles relax. The lining of the bladder thins out, making the bladder more susceptible to infections.
  • Hematuria or blood in urine is also one of the causative factors for the dark color. There is an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells, which tend to be passed out of the body. This gives the reddish or brown tinge.
  • Pregnant women usually have a high intake of phosphates in their diet, in the form of milk, vegetables, like asparagus and beet. The phosphate molecules crystallize and get precipitated in the output, leading to change in the color.
  • Other causes are the presence of kidney infection or sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea.

Precautionary Measures

It is always better to exercise precaution during these months, to avoid any unnecessary complications. Any changes, like discoloration of urine during pregnancy, must be reported to the gynecologist, who may detect the exact reason for the same. The doctor may prescribe appropriate medications that can treat the conditions, which can bring things to normal. Following a proper and balanced diet plan will also help ward off this disorder. It would be a good idea to go through the causes of this condition to get a better idea of how to reduce this occurrence.
Drinking plenty of water and fluids and following a healthy diet can prevent this problem. However, it is always advisable to stay in touch with your gynecologist to ward off any unnecessary complications, which may arise due to this condition. Take care!
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.