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Deep Shoulder Pain

Madhura Pandit
Deep pain in shoulder is a serious condition that can be caused due to several reasons. This story will give you more information on causes and treatment of shoulder pain.
Pain in the joints is one of the most common complaints among the young as well as older people. In older people, it occurs due to degeneration of joints, whereas in younger people it usually occurs due to over use or improper use of the muscles and the joints. Apart from these, there are several other causes of deep shoulder blade pain.


Common causes of shoulder pain include improper posture while sitting, working on the computer as well as while sleeping. These minor causes of pain do not require treatment. However, sometimes pain in the shoulder is very sharp and excruciating, and can can be a symptom of a serious medical condition.


Bursitis of the shoulder is a condition that arises when the bursa or the liquid filled sacs in the joints get inflamed. The inflammation can occur due to an injury or due to any rheumatoid condition. Bursitis can also occur in the elbow or the knee joint, however, bursitis of the shoulder is very common.

Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is a structure comprising muscles and tendons in the shoulder that enable human beings to move their arms. A fall, blow or other reasons can lead to injury to any of the four muscles, leading to rotator cuff injury. Wear and tear, poor posture, injury, arthritis, bursitis, etc., are the common causes, while sharp shoulder pain and weakness are the prominent symptoms of rotator cuff injury.

Shoulder Dislocation

Shoulder dislocation is one of the most severe causes of deep shoulder pain. Shoulder dislocation occurs when the humerus (arm bone) gets separated from the scapula (shoulder blade) located in the ball and socket joint in the shoulder. This condition is very rare and can occur due to a fall, accident or an injury.

Shoulder Separation

Both the terms, shoulder separation and shoulder dislocation are used interchangeably, which is incorrect. Shoulder separation occurs when the joint between the scapula (shoulder blade) and clavicle (collarbone) gets disrupted. Shoulder separation also occurs due to trauma or an accidental injury or a direct blow on the shoulder during sports activity.
Apart from these, tendinitis (also known as tendonitis), arthritis, biceps tendon rupture, etc., are the other causes of deep pain in the shoulder. If one experiences pain in the shoulder blade, upper back or in the arms, that persists for a longer time, he should consult the doctor immediately for a quick diagnosis and treatment.


Examination of the shoulder and X-ray are effective means used for diagnosis of the underlying cause of shoulder pain. Bursitis is treated with the help of several methods depending on its severity. In minor cases, ice packs or cold compresses are helpful, while in other cases, aspiration using injections and pain relieving medications are used.
Rotator cuff injury treatment may include physiotherapy, medication or even surgery; depending on the severity of the injury. Both, shoulder dislocation and shoulder separation need surgery in severe cases. However, in minor ones, ice packs or cool compresses, anti-inflammatory, and pain reliever medication can be useful.
Disclaimer: This write-up is intended only to provide information. It should not be substituted for proper medical advice and treatment.