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Causes of Dehydration

Rahul Thadani
The only solution to this condition is to drink plenty of water.
There are a number of factors responsible for dehydration. This condition should not be ignored as it may cause severe complications if not acted upon at the earliest.
Water is absolutely essential for the normal functioning of the human body, and lack of water can be very harmful, and also it may lead to a number of serious medical conditions. Also, it is said that a human being can survive for weeks without food, but only 2 days without water.
Almost 75% of the human body weight is water, and this water exists in the various cells and tissues of the body. Without proper supply of water the body stops functioning normally, thereby leading to a complete breakdown of all normal bodily functions. There are many ways in which the water leaves the body (namely sweat, urine, and breathing), so if the body is not hydrated properly there is a very high chance that there will come a point when the water levels in the body are lower than required.
Medical experts say that a person should drink around 8 glasses of water daily to lead a healthy life. By drinking a lot of water, the person urinates more often, and this helps clear out a lot of waste material from the body. The advantages of getting rid of these materials result in a stronger immune system, a better sleep cycle, clearer skin, and many more beneficial things.


There are many factors that may lead to dehydration, and most of these can be solved by consuming sufficient amounts of water throughout the day. Here are some common conditions that may lead to some serious problems.


This is one of the most common reasons of dehydration in babies. An upset stomach will inadvertently lead to excessive bowel movements, and this will result in liquid stool. This causes a lot of water to escape from the body, thereby leading to dehydration.
It is said that around 4 million children die each year worldwide due to dehydration caused by diarrhea. A person affected by diarrhea should ensure that he/she consumes enough water during the day, and takes necessary supplements as well.


The body sweats when the temperature outside is high, and the sweat released through the pores present on the skin helps to cool the body. Excessive sweating is one of the causes of chronic dehydration that is impossible to avoid. People with fever and infections also sweat a lot, and it is imperative to consume a lot of water in such situations.


One of the causes of this condition in elderly people is diabetes. The excessive sugar leaks into the urine, and also takes away a lot of water with it. Diabetic people are at higher risk of developing this condition, and hence they should take necessary steps to avoid this condition. Dehydration is one of the first things that doctors look for when trying to diagnose a person with diabetes.


Vomiting excessively due to any reason may lead to this condition, therefore one must protect himself from dehydration. The fluids that are released from the body during such conditions are almost entirely made up of water. Vomiting is one of the problems in adults who drink excessively, as this causes them to throw up uncontrollably.


People who have received multiple burns on their body are also at a risk of developing this condition. The risk of losing water from the body is higher in such individuals, because the water seeps out of the pores from the skin due to the burns. Many skin infections may also lead to similar issues.


Dehydration is also seen in pregnant women. The child in the womb requires sufficient amounts of water, and this can only be derived from the mother's body. For this reason it is important for pregnant women to drink far more water than what they would normally consume.
The only way to combat these conditions is to drink a lot of water throughout the day. There are various signs of dehydration that can be noted, and they must be acted upon as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications.