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Dermatitis on Face

Dermatitis usually means inflammation of the skin. Some people suffer from dermatitis on face, where the skin on the face becomes scaly.
Ratnashri Dutta
When we say that a person has got dermatitis, we usually refer to skin inflammation. But, this condition is slightly more serious than a normal inflammation. Its first stage is accompanied by red and itchy skin, and if matters get worse, then we see blisters which ooze out fluids. In this article, you will come across some useful information about dermatitis on face.


Contact Dermatitis

There are some plants, which are responsible for this type, such as poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. There are some people, who, when they come in contact with some flowers or herbs or fruits or even vegetables, get this condition.
There are also some chemicals present in soaps and detergents, synthetic fibers, nail polish remover, or maybe antiperspirants, or materials containing formaldehyde, coming to contact of which, some people get this infection.
Some people, if they wear rubber clothes or wear unwashed clothes, or even plated jewelry, or certain cosmetics, then again there are chances of a person, who is allergic to these, landing with contact. Here, the skin usually develops rashes which are pink or red in color and which itch a lot.

Nummular Dermatitis

If the environment around you is dry or if you quite frequently take hot showers, then this problem shows. You can see distinct coin-shaped red plaques are seen on face and mainly on the hand, arms, torso, and legs. It's usually men who have this kind rather than women, and that too during the age of 55 or 65.

Atopic Dermatitis

The causes of this type are mainly a combination of dry and irritable skin, or if there is some kind of malfunctioning in the body's immune system, or if there is a family history of allergic conditions such as asthma or hay fever.
Usually, this occurs mainly with allergies and this disease also runs in the family, mainly if the family has asthma or eczema or hay fever. The main symptoms are itching and rashes on skin.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

This type usually occurs in those places where there is hair or where the skin folds or creases. These areas consists of sebaceous glands, which secretes oil in order to lubricate the skin. In these oily areas, natural growth of yeast takes place, which causes this condition.
If the person has a strong immune system, then it fights against it, otherwise they will have irritating and itching skin, if immune system is weak. The main symptom here is usually flaky skin, where the flakes are white or yellowish in color and are greasy.
When people have this skin disorder, it looks as if they have got sunburn. There are several remedies for this condition, so you do not have to worry about it.

Treatment Options

The treatment usually depends on the cause of the disorder, the age of the patient, the medical history, and various other factors. There are several treatment options, including changes in the patients' lifestyle as well as medications.
Change in lifestyle may include avoiding exposure to irritants and allergens and also minimizing dryness of the skin. Items like soaps, chemicals, detergents, weeds, some metals like nickel, etc., can lead to dermatitis.
Use a home humidifier so that your skin does not dry up. At the same time, avoid alcohol, caffeine, hot tubs, steam baths, saunas, swimming in chlorinated water, and use a mild soap.
If the person is getting skin rashes, then use a cold compress in order to relieve it. Oatmeal bath and soap helps a lot. To reduce the rashes, use antihistamine creams. This medicine causes side effects hence, use only as the doctor has prescribed.
If the patient is having a severe bout of allergies, then allergy shots will be required. Sometimes, even hospitalization and close observation is also necessary. But, it's important that even after dermatitis has been cured, do visit the doctor frequently for follow ups.
Disclaimer: This post is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.