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Difference Between Thrombosis and Embolism

Priyanka Kosta Sonkushre
This story is meant to share the points that make thrombosis different from embolism, which are medical events related to the formation of blood clots. Go through this story if you are interested in learning about the differences between the two.
Blood is supplied to various parts of the body through blood vessels. These vessels include the arteries and veins which carry blood to and from the heart. Blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. In normal conditions, blood flows smoothly through the blood vessels, but in conditions when the lining of a blood vessel suffers an injury, complex mechanisms start within the bloodstream to form clots wherever needed.
A blood clot is formed due to the activation of platelets in the blood, which start the clotting mechanism resulting in the formation of fibrin, a protein responsible to produce the mesh which forms a clot.
Thrombosis and embolism are events when a blood clot is formed in a blood vessel, but are significantly different from each other.
Let's study thrombosis vs. embolism in view of their classification, causes, symptoms and treatment.



Thrombosis is a medical condition in which a blood clot is formed inside a blood vessel, thereby obstructing the flow of blood. The clot formed is known as thrombus and does not move to different parts of the body.


It is classified as venous and arterial thrombosis. When the blood clot or thrombus is formed in a vein, it is known as venous thrombosis whereas, arterial thrombosis is due to the formation of blood clot in an artery.
Venous thrombosis includes deep vein thrombosis, portal vein thrombosis, and renal vein thrombosis depending on the location of thrombus formation. Arterial thrombosis can lead to stroke, myocardial infarction or hepatic artery thrombosis.


Thrombosis is caused due to disturbed flow of blood, hypercoagulability, and injury to endothelial lining of the blood vessel.


Symptoms for deep vein thrombosis include pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the leg as these occur due to obstruction in the flow of blood back to the heart, causing accumulation of blood in the leg.


Treatment of thrombosis depends on the location of the clot. If the clot is within a vein, treatment includes the use of anticoagulants and compression socks to relieve the calf pain and swelling. If the clot is present within an artery, doctors treat it by using medications to dissolve the clot or remove it by surgery.



Embolism is the condition when a complete or part of a blood clot detaches itself from its site and causes an occlusion at another part of the body. Such a clot is known as embolus and has the mobility to travel to another part of the body.


It is classified as arterial embolism and venous embolism. Arterial embolism results in blockage of a vessel in any part of the body due to the moving embolus. It is a common reason behind infarction. If the embolus reaches the brain, it results in ischemic stroke.
Venous embolism is blockage of a vein due to embolus. It mostly leads to pulmonary embolism, as the embolus affects the lungs after passing through the part of the heart containing deoxygenated blood.


The major cause of embolism is deep vein thrombosis. In this condition, a blood clot is formed deep inside the vessels of the thigh or lower leg. If this thrombus breaks free from its site as an embolus, it may cause a blockage in other part of the body. Other causes are atherosclerosis, endocarditis, atrial fibrillation, and mitral stenosis.


Symptoms of pulmonary embolism include shortness of breath, cough, irregular heartbeat, excessive sweating, and chest pain.


Embolism is treated depending on the severity of the condition. Doctors use medications like anticoagulants, antiplatelet medications, painkillers, and thrombolytics. If the blood flow is completely blocked by an embolus, the doctor may recommend angioplasty, arterial bypass or embolectomy, in which the embolus is removed by surgery.
The differences are quite evident from the above write-up. I hope this story has provided you with sufficient information to distinguish between the two medical conditions and has contributed in improving your knowledge regarding this topic.