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Discolored Fingernails

Discoloration of nails could be caused due to a wide range of reasons. This story provides information on the contributing factors for this condition.
Smita Pandit
Fingernails should be strong, shiny, and translucent pink in color. When the color of the nails changes from pink to yellow or yellowish-green, it's time to start paying more attention to your health. Discoloration of fingernails could be indicative of a nutritional deficiency or an underlying disorder. Most women shell out a lot of money on manicure to beautify their fingernails, but it's time to look beyond these artificial ways of beautification. Your fingernails must look beautiful in their natural form.

Nail Discoloration

Discoloration of nails could be caused due to the following reasons:

Yellow Nail Syndrome

This is a rare inherited condition that causes thickening of fingernails. The color of the nails turns yellow or yellowish-green. The nails grow at a very slow rate. Sometimes, the nails could also separate from the nail bed. Sinusitis, pleural effusions, and lymphedema are some of the medical conditions that are associated with yellow nail syndrome.

Medical Conditions

Generally, zinc and iron deficiencies are responsible for brittle fingernails, change in texture, or development of spots on nails. Individuals affected by lung diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes, and nutritional deficiencies might also end up with damaged, discolored nails.

Fungal Infections

If the color of your nails has changed from pink to yellowish-green, it might be caused due to a fungal infection. There are many species of fungi that can infect the fingernails, and cause flaking and discoloration. In case your nails are affected by a fingernail fungus called Tricophyton rubrum, they might emit an unpleasant odor.
Discoloration and damage to the nail bed can also be caused by a bacterium called Pseudomonas. This bacterial infection causes the color of the fingernails to turn green.

Frequent Use of Nail Polish

Do you have a habit of wearing nail polish all the time? If yes, you might be depriving your nails of the oxygen that is required to keep them in good condition. Though applying nail polish can make your nails look attractive, there is nothing more beautiful than the natural pink color of the nails that you are born with. Repeated use of nail polish over a period of time will adversely affect the quality of your fingernails.

Self-care Measures and Remedies

Texture and color abnormalities are sometimes pointers of underlying medical conditions.
Here are some ways to prevent and treat this nail problem:
  • Women must refrain from wearing nail polish all the time. When you do apply nail polish, do apply a base coat before applying it. Applying fingernail whitening pencils and lightly buffing the nails will also help in whitening the affected fingernails.
  • Since nutritional deficiencies can also be responsible for nail discoloration, having a balanced diet can help too. Increase your intake of foods rich in calcium, zinc, and iron to improve the health of your nails.
  • If your nails are turning green, you must consult a dermatologist. Fungal infections need to be treated soon in order to prevent further damage. Generally, doctors prescribe antifungal medication to treat fungal infections.
  • Soaking your nails in juice squeezed from fresh lemons, or applying lemon essential oil or honey on your nails will help whiten nails.
Healthy nails are indicators of good health. So, if you notice signs of discoloration in your fingernails, don't take it lightly.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.