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Diverticulitis Surgery

Kundan Pandey
Diverticulitis surgery is inevitable in case the disease has reached a severe stage. This story talks about various features associated with this surgery.
Generally, after 40 years of age, majority of people develop diverticula (in medical terms, this condition is known as diverticulosis). Diverticula are nothing but bulging pouches that are most commonly found in sigmoid colon (large intestine walls).
They can however, also occur on other parts of digestive system like esophagus, small intestine, and stomach. As such, these pouches are harmless, however, if they get infected/inflamed, a person may suffer from a medical condition known as diverticulitis. In this article, you will learn about diverticulitis surgery and when it is needed.

The Procedure

  • During the operation, the diseased part of colon is removed from the body and it's known as partial colectomy.
  • In partial colectomy, the patient is given a general anesthesia and by laparoscopic procedure, the operation is performed.
  • A few years back, this might not have been a possibility, this surgery was performed by making a large incision in the abdominal area.
  • It requires more than one step depending on the severity of the medical condition. In case a person is undergone through multiple surgeries, he has a colostomy during the time between surgeries.
  • In colostomy, the main goal is to make an opening for stool passage. Hence, upper part of intestine is fastened with stitches in abdominal skin.
  • This makes it possible for stool to pass through this opening and into a disposable bag.
  • Visiting a surgeon is crucial, as he can guide you on tips to choose suitable options for the surgery. Generally, the medical expert can recommend you if you will need multiple surgeries or just a one step surgery.

Recovery Time

For partial colectomy, the hospital stay is generally between 4 to 7 days. In case of multiple stages of (generally two stages) this procedure, the hospital stay can be between 6 to 12 weeks depending on the severity of case. The recovery time for one stage operation or after the end of two stage operation is between 6 to 8 weeks.


During the period of hospitalization, patients are given a low residue diet. This is essential because low residue food will help in decreased bowel movement. As a general rule, diet for person with diverticulitis must contain less than 10 grams of fiber, as it is considered a low residue diet.
Plain cereals, like wheat and rice, tea biscuits, refined pasta and noodles in proper amount are recommended for consumption in daily diet. Fruits like apple, apricot, banana, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, dates, fig, grapefruit, nectarine, orange, and prune juice are very effective.
It has to be noted that one shouldn't increase the intake of high fiber diet suddenly. Patients must be gradually given high fiber diet food as rapid fiber food increase may lead to problems of gas, cramping, bloating, and diarrhea. Generally, foods that are difficult to digest must not be consumed as a part of diverticulitis diet plan.
Foods like nuts, popcorn, hulls, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds etc., are some foods that are generally included in the list foods to avoid during this disease. The main goal of giving high fiber diet to patients is to facilitate stool passage, reduce pressure in colon and trigger complete elimination of waste products from the body. Eventually, this also helps in the prevention of diverticulitis.
The complications of this surgery, although not many, have been reported in some cases. One of the most common risks includes infection that may occur during or post surgery. A medical expert must be consulted before you take a decision to go for this surgery.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.