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Causes of Droopy Eyelids

Palmira S
Eyes can suffer from various disorders; one of them being droopy eyelids. There can be numerous causes for this condition. This story aims to take a look at these.
Beautiful eyes are liked by everyone and they make a person look more attractive. Slight disorder in the eyes can hamper the beauty of the face. Ptosis or drooping eyelids, is one such disorder that also causes discomfort and may affect the sight of the person. Hence, it must be cured, as soon as possible. Mentioned below are some causes which will help you understand this condition.


There are many causes for this condition; the reasons varying from mild to severe. Some of them are as follows.


People who suffer from dermatochalasis, are more prone to developing this ailment. Due to dermatochalasis, the person has excess upper eyelid skin. This excess skin tends to give a tired look to the eyes. This can also cause a problem in vision.

Congenital ptosis

Another cause is congenital ptosis; wherein, there is a development problem with the muscle that raises the upper eyelid. Most of the time, this problem affects only one eye. If this becomes a hurdle in visual fields, surgery should be done as soon as possible.

Myasthenia gravis

This disorder is observed rarely. It is based on the way the muscles respond to the nerves. It causes progressive muscle weakness in the eyelids. This disorder can also affect other parts of the body like the arms, legs, etc.

Aponeurotic ptosis

In some cases, no disorder will be present at the birth. But, as the age advances, people start developing this problem. This disorder is called aponeurotic ptosis. Most of the time, this disorder affects both the eyes. But, it may be severe in one of the eye. Stretching of tendon like tissues which helps in the levator muscle lift of the eyelid can cause drooping.

Due to injury

The nerves that arise from the brain operate our eye muscles. Damage to the brain or any kind of injury, like brain tumor can affect the eyelids.

Other Causes

Along with the above-mentioned problems, other eye problems, like blow to the eye or eye socket can cause this condition. Cataract eye injury, facial paralysis, eyelid twitching and neck injury are also known to be the cause of this ailment.


Observe the eye keenly; a part of the iris should be visible above the pupil, that is, the pupil should not be covered by the eyelid. If it's not the case, then it indicates that you are suffering from droopy eyelids. Itchy eyelids, strain and pain in the eyes are some other symptoms.
Most of the time, droopy eyelids are a long-term problem and there are no ways to prevent it. Moreover, in order to get over it, a person may have to seek recourse in surgery.