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Dry Feet Causes

Parul Solanki
Dry feet can be attributed to a range of internal as well as external factors such as skin infections, age, and even improper or ill-fitting footwear. Here is a look at some of the common dry feet causes.
Dry cracked feet with the ugly fissures can be quite embarrassing for people afflicted with this dry skin problem. Moreover, dry feet are not just a nuisance and a cosmetic problem, but can be quite painful, especially when the cracks start to bleed. This can also result in an infection in the feet. There are a number of causes of dry feet, which can range from internal factors such as a medical condition to external factors like dry weather conditions.

Causes of Dry Feet Conditions

Improper Footwear

This is one of the most common reason for dry feet and heels. Shoes which are ill-fitting and do not support the feet can cause dry, cracked feet and ugly calluses. This can be the result of shoes that fit either too tightly or too loose. The excessive pressure on the balls and toes of the foot can cause it to become dry and cracked.
The material of shoes, whether it is plastic or otherwise, can contribute to the skin irritation and feet dryness, especially around the soles and the toes. Also, watch out for the materials of the socks that you wear as it can contribute to feet dryness and cause skin infections such as dermatitis as well.


As you age, the skin loses its suppleness and thus reacts to the changing environment and temperatures quite adversely. This results in cracks and skin fissures on the feet. A daily foot care regime should be established to combat this loss of skin elasticity and the resultant dryness.

Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that affects the feet and results in flaky, scaly, and itchy skin. A severe form of this fungal infection results in the appearance of blisters that can burst and may cause pain, swelling, and inflammation.
Although the name might indicate that it affects athletes, the fact is that Athlete's foot affects just about anybody, especially those who expose the bare feet to the moist surface of public showers and bathhouses. The infection usually starts between the toes of the feet and the soles.


This is a medical condition affecting the skin and is caused by the disorder of the immune system which results in rapid skin accumulation. Psoriasis results in dry itchy skin on feet which flakes and peels. Toenails are one of the common parts to be affected by psoriatic nail dystrophy. Other than that, plaque psoriasis causes intermittent flare-ups of dryness and peeling or cracking skin. Pustular psoriasis also affects the feet and can cause blisters, dryness, itching, cracking, fever, and chills.

Certain Diseases

Side effects of certain diseases like diabetes and thyroid disease or some medication include dry, chapped feet, itchy rashes, and redness along the foot pads. This is because of the change in hormonal levels, metabolism, and sweat patterns in people.


Washing your feet with extremely hot water results in the loss of the protective skin oils and dryness of the skin. This may also happen if you shower or bathe too frequently. The dry skin on feet is aggravated by the soaps and other body washes with strong chemicals which tend to dry out the skin.

Dry Foot Care

Dry feet can be cured by using therapeutic foot creams and ointments that restore the natural hydration balance of the feet. To prevent dry feet, you can use some simple home remedies that help pamper your skin.
  • To slough off the hard, dead flakes on the feet, use a pumice or sand stone to clean the affected area and then couple this up with a best dry foot cream.
  • Once you have applied the foot cream, wear socks to help in the absorption of the cream.
  • Insoles and corrective foot devices can help correct the places where the friction causes the heels to crack and dry up. Good quality shock absorber shoes should be always preferable over the open backed or thin sole shoes.
  • Cooling restorative foot soaks can help pamper and refresh your feet. You can add two to three drops of essential oils like lavender, tea tree, and lemon oil into water and let your feet soak in this essential oils foot soak for fifteen to twenty minutes.
Dry feet with ugly blisters can be quite a pain. So use these simple home remedies on a regular basis to take care of your foot. Once done religiously, a good foot care regime will ensure that you have beautiful feet that you can prop up with pride.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.