The nasal passage can dry out due to exposure to harsh environmental conditions or prolonged use of certain drugs, which in turn can make one susceptible to nosebleeds. This story provides information on the contributing factors and treatment of dry nose.
Many people prefer to use petroleum jelly inside the nose to help ease the dryness. However, petroleum jelly can enter the trachea, and reach the lungs along with the nasal secretions. If used for a long time, petroleum jelly can accumulate in the lungs, thereby causing lipoid pneumonia. So, be careful while using any cream or moisturizer inside the nose.
A part of the respiratory system of the body, the nose performs the vital function of filtering the inhaled air and humidifying it. It also warms up the cold air to normal body temperature. Thus, the inhaled air is processed by the nose before it enters the bronchi and the lungs.
If the nose is unable to perform its function properly, dry or cold air might enter the bronchi and lungs, which in turn can cause the lining of the lungs to become dry. In severe cases, when the nose is blocked, one might breathe through the mouth.
This can cause pollutants to enter the lungs. Thus, care must be taken to prevent conditions such as dryness of the nose and nasal congestion.
The lack of moisture in the nasal passages can cause the skin inside the nose to crack and bleed. Dry nose is not just an annoying problem, it can even cause pain. At times, it might be accompanied by dryness of the mouth and throat. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause of this problem. Usually, dryness of the nose can be alleviated with some simple home remedies.
Contributing Factors
The nasal passage can become dry due to the following reasons:
➞ Those who live in a region that has a hot climate or low level of humidity can experience this problem. Air conditioning or indoor heating systems can also lower the humidity levels, which in turn can cause dryness.
➞ Prolonged use of medications like antihistamines, nasal sprays, bronchodilators, and atropine can cause the nasal passages to become dry. Therefore, people with a history of nosebleeds should be very careful while using these medications.
➞ Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic autoimmune condition that is characterized by dryness of the mucous membranes. Generally, Sjögren's syndrome has been found to cause dry throat, dry mouth, vaginal dryness, and dryness of the nose. This condition is more prevalent among women.
➞ If dryness of the nose is also accompanied by cracking and bleeding, then it may be a sign of high blood pressure.
➞ Dryness of the mucous membrane of the body, including that of the nose, is common in postmenopausal women.
Symptoms Accompanying Dry Nose
➞ Cracks in the inner lining of the nose ➞ Itching ➞ Nosebleeds ➞ Irritation in the nasal passage ➞ Dryness of the mouth, throat, and eyes
Home Remedies and Precautionary Measures
First of all, the underlying cause of dryness should be determined.
➞ Drug therapy and other self-care measures can be followed in case dryness of the nose is due to Sjögren's syndrome.
➞ Hormone replacement therapy might help ease the symptoms in case of postmenopausal women who complain of dry nose or throat.
➞ Do keep your body well hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fluids.
➞ Using a humidifier can also prove to be beneficial.
➞ If you are taking antihistamines or atropine medications, then check with your physician, if these medications have to be discontinued.
➞ You can squirt some saline water in your nasal cavity to add moisture to the nasal passages. Use this remedy at least for 3 to 4 times daily.
If these treatment options fail to provide relief, then talk to your physician to figure out an appropriate treatment plan for this condition, especially if you are experiencing constriction in the nasal passage. To prevent the recurrences of dry nose, stay hydrated while going outside in hot and dry climate, and avoid overuse of antihistamines, atropines, and nasal sprays.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.