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Dry Socket After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Chandramita Bora
Dry socket after wisdom tooth extraction is one of the common problems associated with the removal of wisdom tooth. In this story, you can find out more about dry socket after wisdom tooth removal, its causes, symptoms and treatment...
Dry socket is perhaps one of the most common complications associated with wisdom tooth extraction. The medical term for dry socket is 'alveolar osteitis'. This problem usually arises when blood clot does not form at the site of extraction, or when the blood clot formed at the site gets dislodged.
This leaves the underlying bones and nerves of the tooth socket exposed to air and all those substances that enter the mouth. Formation of the blood clot at the tooth extraction site is very important for proper healing, as it protects the underlying bones and the nerves, and provides a ground for the growth of new tissue.
So, dry socket is the hole that is created after the removal or extraction of the tooth. Dry socket after wisdom tooth extraction can produce a lot of pain within 1 to 3 days after the extraction of the tooth. The possibility of getting dry socket is more in case of surgical extraction of impacted wisdom teeth and the extraction of the lower wisdom teeth.

Causes of Dry Socket After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

As has been mentioned already, dry socket is caused when blood clot does not form in the tooth socket or when it is dislodged before healing. This exposes the bones and nerves in the socket to air, foods and fluid that enter the mouth. Contact with such substances irritates the nerves and produces intense pain.
The pain can sometimes radiate to the eye and the ear on the same side of the face. But, what exactly dislodges the blood clot, or why the blood clot does not form in the socket is still not clear.
However, it has been observed that some individuals are more likely to face this problem due to factors like, lack of proper oral hygiene and resulting bacterial contamination of the socket, difficult and highly traumatic extraction surgery, use of birth control pills, smoking, use of tobacco, tooth or gum infection, drinking from a straw and previous history of dry socket after tooth extraction. According to estimates, dry socket after usually affects 3 to 5% of the individuals, who undergo tooth extraction.

Symptoms of Dry Socket After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Pain that usually begins within 1 to 3 days after tooth extraction is the most common and important symptom of dry socket after the removal of wisdom tooth. If you look at the extraction site, you can see the bone instead of a blood clot.
The excruciating pain can become more intense with time and sometimes, can radiate to the ear and the eyes of the same side. Other common symptoms are, bad breath or foul odor coming from the socket, unpleasant taste in the mouth and occasionally, swollen lymph nodes around the neck and the jaw.

Dry Socket After Wisdom Tooth Treatment

The pain caused by dry socket after wisdom tooth extraction can be managed with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If these medications fail to relieve the pain, you can talk to your physician regarding the use of stronger medications.
For treating dry socket after tooth extraction, dentists or oral surgeons usually clean the socket and then fill it with medicated dressings. The dressing is usually removed and then replaced with a new one every 24 hours. To prevent infection, your dentist may also recommend antibiotics.
Maintaining proper oral or dental hygiene is very important during the healing period, which means that you have to keep the socket clean from debris. Your dentist may teach you to how to flush the socket to promote healing and remove any food and debris from it. You may also be asked to rinse the socket regularly with saline water or a special mouthwash. With proper treatment, healing can require around 10 to 14 days.
Dry socket can be prevented in many instances with a little bit of care and precaution. Not smoking and avoiding tobacco products a few days before the surgery, and avoiding carbonated beverages and the use of straw after the surgery can minimize the risk of getting a dry socket.
To prevent dry socket, one should brush and rinse the mouth very gently, eat only soft foods and avoid touching the extraction site and spitting for a few days after the extraction or removal of the wisdom tooth. Women taking birth control pills should talk to their dentist or oral surgeon regarding the timing of the surgery.
The oral surgeon may schedule the surgery time during the period when the estrogen level in the body is lower. But, if you get dry socket after wisdom tooth extraction even after all possible care and precaution, then seek immediate medical attention, as it can delay the healing process and lead to infection.