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Ear Cartilage Pain

Have you ever felt a deep stinging pain on the exterior periphery of the ear? Ear cartilage pain is experienced by many, due to different situations. ...
Azmin Taraporewala
Have you suddenly felt a pinching pain in your ear cartilage? Or have you had an accident, due to which you suffer from ear cartilage pain? Well, there are times we fail to comprehend why the outer ear aches, more so, since the pain is not located in the depths of the ear, rather, it is on the outskirts of the ear.
The outer ear consists the cartilage, the blood vessels, and tissues. It is that portion of the ear, that proves to be the perpetual sound receptor, from where the sound travels through the eardrum. Here, we decipher the reasons why ear cartilage pain is caused.


There are a number of causes due to which, pain in the periphery of the ear is caused. Pain in the ear cartilage may be caused due to reasons that may seem too mild to inflict pain, but contrary to common belief, these are major causes, that make the cartilage susceptible to pain.


This is an infection that surrounds the exterior, or the cartilage. Perichondritis is an infection, that is caused if the ear sustains trauma through contact sports, or has endured surgery.
This is not an infection of the cartilage, as the infection is endured by the perichondrium (a thin tissue-like structure that envelopes the cartilage and provides it with essential nutrients). However, if the condition is not treated in time, the infection can proceed to the cartilage, and infect it severely, thereby causing further complications.


Redness of the outer ear is the basic, and the most prominent symptom of this condition. There is pain and tenderness in the area that has been affected, also involving development of fever, and oozing of pus-like fluid.


The treatment involves administration of antibiotics. If there is pus filled in the cartilage, the medical professional may advise surgical intervention in order to drain the fluid.

Cold and Cough

There are times when person may be infected with cold and cough. If cough persists for long, or you have a runny nose, you may have pain in the outer ear. It is due to this reason that you may not hear conversations correctly. As the outer ears are the sound receptors; they cannot function normally because of the impairment caused due to the infection.


There is severe cold and fever, and one may have a feeling of the ears being choked, or blocked. The feeling is very similar to the one you get, when you are ascending heights.


There are possibilities, that your sneezes and coughing bouts may come to a halt within 2 days or so. Thus, one may wait and watch until the given time elapses. If the pain persists, you may well see a doctor who would prescribe antibiotics.

Skin Troubles

There are possibilities that there is an eruption of blackheads, or whiteheads on the outskirts of the ear; either on the cartilage or the visible insides of the ear.
This may sound not too painful a condition, however, on the contrary, this is one condition that can deliver a lot of pain and discomfort, especially when you sleep. These whiteheads or blackheads must be removed as soon as possible, thereby not giving them the time to grow, and become all the more painful.


You may ask a family member, or a friend to look for an enlarged pore that has a pea-like appearance. If the pore is black and has oxidized into a blackhead, it is bound to deliver a throbbing pain when touched. The pain simmers, only when left on its own. You may see a black lump which has to be squeezed out. Make sure you are gentle while doing this.


You may ferment the area by dipping a soft cloth in warm water. Dab the cloth on the area where the blackhead or whitehead resides, and with an extractor, placing it on the blackhead, press it down gently. This will remove the blackhead.
If this does not work in one go, try it again the next day. Make sure that you do not force the blackhead too hard as this may lead to further swelling of the ear, running the risk of developing pus.


Weather plays an important role in causing ear aches. You may experience outer ear pain, when a waft of cool air, hits your ear. It may also be the case that you have been out in the sun for long, and have managed to have them sunburned.
If this is the case, you must consult a medical practitioner, especially when you experience a stinging pain, and discomfort due to any one of the aforementioned weather conditions.


Ears are swollen and there is pain to make you feel uncomfortable and restless. Tenderness is felt, when the area is touched. Your ears may become warm and turn red. There may be a burning sensation or a tingling feeling as well.
During frost, you may sense that your outer ear feels numb, with the cartilage appearing red. You may have difficulty in sleeping especially when the affected ear, is pressed against the pillow.


The treatment requires you to apply ice if you have been out in the sun for long. Make sure that you visit the doctor, if the condition worsens to swelling, and excruciating pain. A course of antibiotics may be the answer.
Apply dollops of sunscreen, or an herbal gel to the ear when you are out in the sun. Cover your ears completely while you are out during frost. To make your ear canal feel warm, snug and protected, insert medium-sized cotton balls into the ear. You may then cover your ears, with a woolen scarf or woolen cap.

Ear Piercing

With the masses catching up with the latest trends in fashion stores, infections are bound to be an accompaniment. Ear piercing, especially on the cartilage, can lead to an infection.
It is due to this reason, that the pain continues to trouble, all the more at night, when we twist and toss from one side to the other. The pain tends to inflate, predominantly when we sleep on the side that is affected.


The symptoms may include pain in the outer ear, making it tender. If the case is ignored, it can lead to the outer ear oozing a pus-like fluid, accompanied by
swelling and discomfort. You may also sense your ears having an unusual heaviness. This is due to the swelling and the fluid that has seeped into the cartilage.


The treatment is to have a dose of antibiotics, if the pain is unbearable. Usually, after the piercing, it is always suggested that the ear be dabbed with a cotton ball soaked in coconut oil. This will soothe the ear, and make it feel normal.


It may be during contact sports, or an itsy-bitsy tiff with your sibling, that you may endure a bruised ear. It is due to this, that it sustains trauma, and the outer ear starts to ache. In addition to this, it may also start to bleed, if the trauma sustained is severe in nature.


A bruised ear with swelling, may be one prominent symptom. The ear may appear reddish, or bluish in color, due to the blow that has been endured. However, the color would come back to normal, once the swelling has considerably reduced.
Blood clots may also form after the trauma.


You may warm ferment the ear at first. This will aid in reducing the swelling, that has occurred due to the accident. If the pain increases, and does not seem to subside, it would be to your advantage to see the doctor. Make sure that you
visit a medical professional, if the ear starts to bleed.
These were some of the reasons for the pain to occur. You are now well aware of the symptoms of each of the causes, and the treatment that can be meted out to correct, and improve the condition.
This post is meant to inform you about why ear cartilage pain occurs, however, this is not supposed to supplement or suffice for a doctor's advice. So the only way you could be certain about the condition you currently endure, is to garner an expert consult, preceding any self-help treatments you plan to adopt.