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Earwax Removal Solution

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Earwax removal is recommended if you experience problems in hearing or if there is an excess wax buildup in the ear. Refer to the solutions given in this story for the safe removal of earwax.
Earwax or cerumen is a secretory product of the glands present in the ear. Cerumen comprises dead cells, sweat, and oil. Its function is to protect the inner ear from bacteria, dirt, and water.
A small amount of cerumen is actually required to keep all these pathogens away. However, when the glands start producing excessive cerumen, you might have to consider some earwax removal solutions, as the wax buildup impairs the hearing ability. However, not just any technique for removing cerumen can do the job.

Some Earwax Removal Options

It is a well-known fact that you should not clean your ears with cotton swabs or Q-tips, as they tend to push the wax farther into the ear canal. Also, avoid inserting sharp objects in your ear canal due to the risk of a physical injury.
Even slight scratching of the skin can lead to microbial growth and ear infections. Hence, it is best to rely upon safer methods of earwax removal to minimize the risk of traumatic injuries to the ear.

Saline Solution

» Saline solution or plain water can be used to irrigate the ear. A bulb or an irrigation syringe is used for this purpose.
» The syringe must be placed at a 45 degree angle to the ear, and the water or saline solution should be squirted inside the ear.
» Do not squirt all the water at once, instead use frequent powerful jets of water to flush out the earwax.
» Drain the excess water on a clean tissue by tilting your head and then gently wipe the ear dry. Water trapped inside the ear may cause various ear problems and infections.

Hydrogen Peroxide

➜ Hydrogen peroxide is another option people can resort to. Simply pour 3 to 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear.
➜ Once inside the ear, it will start loosening the earwax. You can hear a fizzing sound inside the ear as the solution bubbles through the wax.
➜ Experiencing a cold sensation inside the ear is also common, because hydrogen peroxide is at a much lower temperature than your body. Drain the excess solution on a clean tissue.

Baking Soda Solution

» Baking soda solution in warm water is a good natural earwax remover. Take 1 tsp. of baking soda and dissolve it in 8 oz. of warm water.
» Then, using an eye dropper, pour the solution into the ear. Allow it to remain inside for 2 to 3 minutes. Tilt your head and let it flow out of the ear.
» Use this solution on a regular basis to dissolve the earwax. To prevent the buildup of cerumen, put a drop of this solution in your ear everyday.

Natural Oils

➜ Oils are very good homemade earwax removers. You can use any oil, such as olive oil, baby oil, mineral oil, etc., for this purpose.
➜ Preferably heat the oil to body temperature before putting it inside the ear. A warm water bath can be used to raise the temperature of the oil.
➜ Pour 3 to 5 drops of oil with an eye dropper, and let it remain inside the ear for a few minutes. Collect the excess oil, that flows out of the ear, on a clean cloth.
➜ Repeat the procedure if you suspect a greater buildup inside the ear.
The above-mentioned remedies should be used only after consulting a physician. People with perforated ears should get their earwax removed from a medical practitioner only. Lastly, take all possible measures to avoid inflicting permanent damage to your ears.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.