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What Causes Earache in Adults?

A earache can make hearing a problem. This imposition can lead to a very hard time and ambiguity in conversations. Here's more.
Shrinivas Kanade
Hearing problems or temporary loss of hearing due to a earache reminds me an old and worn-out joke. I know, I'm not going to buy any laughs out of you by quoting it here, but, it may make my task of explaining how serious the problem can be a little bit simpler.
Tom and Harry meet at a corner, in the neighborhood of a mall. Harry raises his right hand in greeting and says, "Hey Tom, are you going to the mall?" Tom replies, "Oh, no man, I am going to the mall. How about going there together?" Harry replies, "Some other time, Tom. Right now, I am rushing to the mall."
Do you think this situation can never arise in real life? Spend some time at an airport and watch the disembarking of air-travelers. You will find at least one pair having a conversation in the exact manner as that of Tom and Harry.
Some people experience ear pain even while flying over short distances. Difference in the atmospheric pressure, at the ground level and high above it, often causes a earache during a take off and a landing.
The major cause of a earache in adults is ear infection. The pain can be strong enough to disturb the peace of mind. It is an indication that a crisis needs your attention and careful handling.

Wax Blockage

The human body employs an unusual mechanism to protect the inner ear from the dust, water, and dirt. It produces wax to trap dirt and dust, and to resist water. The ear produces wax, which acts as a defender of the inner ear and the eardrum against these invaders. When the wax is produced in more than normal quantity, it creates blockage in the ear. 
The pressure exerted by the accumulated wax in the ear canal and on the surrounding body tissues causes a earache. Symptoms due to a wax blockage are dull ear pain, ringing in ear, and hearing problems.

Barotrauma or Barotitis

The Eustachian tube is a thin, small tube that leads from the inner ear and opens at the throat. It is responsible for maintaining constant pressure in the inner ear. When the atmospheric pressure outside the ear increases, it presses on the eardrum, which results in a earache.
To relieve the pressure on the eardrum, the air from the throat moves into the inner ear via the Eustachian tube. This equalizes the pressure on both sides of the eardrum, and the pain is relieved.
When the atmospheric pressure outside the ear lowers, the air from the inner ear moves into the throat via the Eustachian tube. This lessens its pressure on the eardrum. In case of an infection, such as sinus infection, the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube is inflamed. This disturbs the air flow coming in and out from the inner ear.
When a plane lands or takes off, there is sudden change of atmospheric pressure, which can cause extraordinary earache to an air traveler if he or she is suffering from a sinus infections. In some people, the Eustachian tube's width is small. These people are prone to earache due to barotitis.

Otitis Media

Otitis media is the inflammation or redness of the inner ear, which is a result of the infection that is present deep inside the ear. It is also referred to as middle ear infection. This type of ear infection is independent of the congestion of the nose or fever. It is also not related with the allergies or the symptoms of common cold.
If you are bothered by a earache, then whether it is due to the Otitis media or not can be found by tugging at the ear lobe. This condition may cause ringing of the ear. If tugging produces a bolt of pain, then you must take your doctor's help in curing the infection.

Otitis Externa

Otitis externa is the inflammation or redness of the external ear, caused by accumulation of water in the ear canal. The water trapped inside the ear causes ear pain. Generally, the pain troubles after a swim. Hence, the most popular term used for Otitis externa is 'swimmer's ear'.
However, there are other causes of Otitis externa, such as high humidity or excessive sweating. The fluid trapped inside the ear provides a favorable environment for micro-organisms like bacteria and fungus. The growth of these pathogens leads to further complications. To resolve the pain due to Otitis externa, proper medical advice is necessary.
If ear pain is due to bacterial infection, then the doctor will most probably prescribe antibiotics as a treatment. One can even use over-the-counter medicines to treat a earache resulting out of wax blockage in the ear canal. Though, it is necessary to use these medicines as per instructions.
There are a few other causes such as dental pain, tinnitus, accidental injury, or cancer in various parts of the ear. If the problem persists, a visit to a doctor is advisable.