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Earache and Sore Throat

Rutuja Jathar
The combination of an earache and a sore throat can really be a cause for a lot of annoyance. Nevertheless, there are several things that can cause both to occur at the same time.
When an individual ends up with a sore throat and earache at the same time, it means that either the ear or the throat has been infected, and the problem has also spread to the other.
The ears and throat are connected with the help of the Eustachian tube, hence, what affects the throat is most likely to affect the ears too.

Pollution, allergies, swollen glands, or microbial infections, can all contribute to a sore throat along with ear pain.
As stated earlier, the causes of ear pain and sore throat are interrelated. Ear-related troubles often arise as an onset of a sore throat. However, identifying the actual cause to find the connection between the two is essential. Let's learn more about what causes a sore throat which leads to ear pain, and a few remedial measures that can be undertaken.

What Causes Earache and Sore Throat?

Sore Throat - A sore throat is nothing but inflammation of the tonsils, larynx, and pharynx of the throat. Normally, an uncomplicated sore throat seldom lasts for more than 3 days. Most of the time, a sore throat is caused by microbial infections, which can be treated with several over-the-counter medications.
Earache - Earache is often a result of an infection that is caused to the inner ear, middle ear, or the outer ear. An ear infection can be cured with timely medical intervention.
Both, the ears and the throat are connected to each other, and hence, a trouble with any one of the organs is bound to affect the other. Mostly, it is the sore throat that is the main culprit behind those nasty earaches.
The cause of contracting an earache and sore throat on one side, can also be attributed to an infection on only one side of the throat. Thus, the pain would persist on that particular side, even though the other side is completely normal.
Following are a few causes of a sore throat, which also lead to pain in the ears.

⇒ Tonsillitis
⇒ Ear Infections
⇒ Hay Fever
⇒ Sinus Infections
⇒ Uvula Infection
⇒ Cough
⇒ Cold and Flu
⇒ Tooth Infection
⇒ Allergies
⇒ Overuse of Vocal Cords
⇒ Smoking
⇒ Drinking Excessive Alcohol
⇒ Having Very Hot or Cold Food

Signs and Symptoms

Ear infections in adults and children are just about the same, and can occur due to an infection to any of its connected organs, like the throat or the nose. At such times, it is best to see a health care specialist as early as possible.
  • Difficulty in swallowing anything for more than 3 days
  • Swollen lymph nodes and glands
  • Persistent fever for more than 3 days
  • Rash and pus on the tonsils
  • Stiff neck and back
  • Lasting mouth ulcers
  • Blood in the saliva or phlegm

Various Remedial Options

An external examination of the ear and throat is not sufficient to find out the actual reason and severity of the infection causing the ear pain. Though ear pain is usually mild and seldom lasts long, the severe pain that is experienced is sometimes unbearable. As stated repeatedly, a sore throat is more often the main reason behind the earache as well.
Being the resultant of viral and bacterial infections, it can be healed with several home remedies that are meant for a sore throat. Follow a combination of these home remedies for a few days, and the symptoms along with the infection will disappear.

⇒ Drink plenty of non-alcoholic beverages.
⇒ Gargle with a solution of warm water and turmeric.
⇒ Take a temporary painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen.
⇒ Administering antibiotics for a strep throat can aid in the cure.
⇒ Avoid smoking, alcohol, and eating extremely hot or cold food.
⇒ Sucking on throat lozenges, and keeping a warm towel on the aching ear can ease the earache and sore throat.
One point to keep in mind is that a sore throat can lead to earache, but just experiencing a earache due to some other reason will not lead to the throat getting sore.

Disclaimer: This Story is solely for informative purposes, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.