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Earlobe Crease

Sheeba Nambiar
Did you know that the earlobe crease (ELC) could be a warning sign for heart disease? Might sound strange but, we'll explore on it further in the given story.
Earlobes are made of tough connective tissues. Since they do not contain cartilage, they are soft and fleshy, and have a large blood supply. Although the earlobes are found to have no biological functions as such, they help keep the ears warm as they contain a number of nerve endings.

Creased Earlobes

Broken blood vessels can be the cause for this deformity. The crease appears on the earlobe when the blood vessels in the area do not get sufficient blood supply. It is considered to be a cause of concern since it is often associated with a high risk of coronary heart diseases and also genetic disorders such as Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.

Relation Between Wrinkled Earlobes and Heart Disease

Although creases in the earlobe are associated with genetic disorders, the connection between creased earlobe and heart diseases is something that has caught the attention of many, with a diagonal crease running across the earlobe. This is quite obvious since heart diseases are life-threatening.
There have been studies correlating this condition and heart diseases such as heart attacks since 1991, when Dr. William Elliott from the University of Chicago informed the American Federation for Clinical Research that he has discovered a significant connection between earlobes and heart diseases.
(There have been other studies before Dr Elliott's research stating this correlation, but this was the most noted and talked about). Although there have been many studies suggesting the same, there is no significant proof ascertaining this correlation between the two.
There is also an argument in the medical world stating that creases on the skin are a sign of aging, and as people age they have an increased risk of getting affected by heart diseases, and therefore a relation between the creased earlobe and heart disease is insignificant.
However, numbers such as sixty percent of the 6000 patients affected by heart diseases have diagonal creases. This somehow seems to be enough of a fact for people to believe that those with a creased earlobe are at a higher risk of heart diseases.
There have been studies stating that wrinkles on the earlobe are found in those who are habitual to sleep on only one side. While that is also a possibility, it could also be a risk factor due to genetics, smoking, hypertension, obesity, or a bad lifestyle in general.
As there are no conclusive statements made with regards to the correlation of wrinkled earlobes and heart diseases, it is advisable for the affected people to keep a close eye on their general health and to get regular check ups done if any noticeable symptoms of cardiovascular diseases are being experienced.
Since there are no conclusive results of any connection, worrying about it would only increase the tension and lead to other ailments. So take care and do not worry, be attentive and visit a doctor to clear out your queries.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.