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Earlobe Cyst

Madhurjya Bhattacharyya
An earlobe cyst, also known as sebaceous cyst, is a sac-like structure that is formed below the surface of the skin on the external ears. They are painful bumps and are similar to pimples. The cysts are pus-filled and grow under the skin. An infected cyst may be very severe or mild, and depending on its severity, there are several remedies available.


The exact reason for earlobe cyst is still not known, but it is most commonly found that when the oil produced by the sebaceous gland is faster than it can be released, cysts may occur. They may also occur due to skin trauma or swollen hair follicles.


Earlobe cyst treatment involves either surgical or non-surgical removal. If you go for the surgical method, your doctor would numb the area with the help of a local anesthetic, after which he/she would use a scalpel to open the cyst and make a single cut at the center of the swelling.
Once the incision is made, the doctor would squeeze out the accumulated fluid in the cyst. If the cyst is still intact, he/she would hold the incision using a pair of blunt scissors and use a pair of forceps to remove it. Once the cyst is removed, the area is disinfected and stitched up, if necessary.
Non-surgical method of removal includes the use of warm water or heating pad. Application of heat pad brings the pus and bacteria close to the surface, which makes it easier for removal. If the cyst is on the exterior side of the earlobe and is easily reachable, place the heating pad on the cyst. Make sure you use this process for 15 to 20 minutes, twice or thrice every day for a week.
A warm washcloth can also be used in case the cyst cannot be accessed by a heating pad. Depending on how deep the infection is, this method may take one or two weeks. Since the pus is waxy, an oily fluid would be formed due to the application of heat. This oily fluid would be reabsorbed by the body safely and there would be less chances of blood poisoning.
Another non-surgical method which can be used is the use of turmeric or tea tree oil. Application of these helps in drying up fluids present in the cyst. For applying tea tree oil, wash the cyst with water and soap, and rinse completely. Take a cotton ball and soak it in tea tree oil, and hold it on the cyst for 5 minutes.
You can apply this procedure as many times you want till the cyst has dried. For applying turmeric, take a pinch of the powder, add 4-5 drops of water to it, and stir it to make a paste. Apply this mixture on the cyst for 20 minutes once every day till it is no more.
Besides the above mentioned methods, you can use clay masks overnight so that the pus inside is drawn out. You can opt to use any of the clay masks found in any drugstore in your area. Before you go to sleep, apply a swab of clay on the cyst and let it dry completely before you lie on the pillow. Do this every night till the pus is drawn up to the surface.
If you get earlobe cyst, there is nothing to worry about. Use the above mentioned home remedies to cure it or if it still doesn't go away, consult your doctor.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.