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Earlobe Infection Treatment

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Earlobe infection is commonly manifested at the site of piercing and injury. Use of topical antibiotics and following personal care tips work well for successful curing of earlobe infection. Let's find out how to go about these earlobe infection treatment options.
In a case of earlobe infection, the sensitive, lower portion of the external ear becomes infected. This is a less concerning condition, as compared to middle and inner ear infections. Since infection occurs in the exposed ear portion, it is not difficult to apply antimicrobial ointments and/or follow general care tips.
The affected area also remains dry at most of the time, thus speeding up the healing process. But, correct treatment should be exercised to reduce pain symptoms and get prompt results.

What Causes an Earlobe Infection?

Any injury or cut to the earlobe increases the risk of infections. Pathogenic bacteria and other microbes usually present on the skin may enter through the wounds and cause septic symptoms. Majority of the reported earlobe infection cases result due to improper care of pierced ear, and at other times, wearing allergic jewelry.
Besides these, getting the ear pierced by an unsterilized instrument is one of the major earlobe infection causes. Thus, it is always advisable to get the piercing done by a professional piercer, who knows all about the procedure and its after care instructions.

How to Treat an Earlobe Infection?

Before we proceed with the earlobe infection treatment, let's try to identify the associated symptoms. As with any case of topical infections, throbbing pain, increased redness, swelling and inflammation are the typical signs of an earlobe infection. The affected area may feel hot and tender to touch.
In case of an infected ear piercing, dried pus is present as crust on the outer side of the punctured hole. These symptoms confirm the presence of an earlobe infection.

Home Treatment Approaches

After confirmation of the earlobe infection symptoms, therapeutic care should begin immediately. This is to ensure killing of the pathogens, before they penetrate deeper in the skin. Also, a delayed treatment runs the risks of infecting inner ear parts. The main objective for addressing earlobe infection is to keep the affected area sterilized and clean.
For this, rubbing alcohol and dilute hydrogen peroxide (strictly 3 percent) are the best alternatives. Dampen a cotton ball with any of these solutions and gently clean the infected site.
Never touch the earlobe infection, or recently worn jewelry with unwashed hands, as it further worsens infection. Also, avoid picking, touching and irritating the site. A natural earlobe infection cure is to clean the infected site with salt water solution.
Dissolve a dash of sea salt in ½ glass of clean water, and clean infected site with it 2-3 times daily. While ice therapy is effectual to reduce earlobe swelling, using turmeric paste works great to get rid of earlobe infection fast. Always keep the area dry to promote fast healing.

Therapeutic Intervention

When it comes to medication treatment of an earlobe infection, applying antibiotic ointment is the most effective alternative. The infection symptoms usually subside within 2-3 days of starting antibiotic therapy. One of the best topical drugs for earlobe infection treatment is Neosporin, which is formulated with many antibiotic agents.
Follow the application tips for getting satisfactory results. It is to be borne in mind that antibiotic medication treatment works only if the infection is addressed in the early stages.
In case, inflammation and accompanying symptoms of earlobe infection persist even after 3-4 days of starting the antibacterial treatment, get the condition checked by a trusted doctor. In case of severe earlobe infections and development of pus-filled boils, the doctor may consider surgical excision of the site and draining the pus.
Removal of the jewelry may be recommended, if earlobe infection is triggered by the same. This is applicable for those, who experience itchiness and alike skin reactions to the jewelry material. Otherwise, jewelry can be retained as it is. However, make sure that it is not rotated or moved unnecessarily.
In general, pierced earlobe infection is not a serious issue, and prompt recovery can be achieved with simple skin care guidelines. But, in spite of going through the pain symptoms and adopting tips for earlobe infection treatment, why not prevent it at the first instant.
The bottom line is, chances of pierced earlobe infection are reduced to a great extent, if the procedure is performed by a qualified piercer and pure jewelry is used for the same. Last but not the least, follow the after piercing care correctly, as instructed by the piercer.