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Early Signs of Diabetes in Men

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
If you diagnose some of the early signs of diabetes in men, you can stop the disease from advancing. So, what are the different diabetes symptoms that men show? Let's find out from the following transitions.
Also known as the silent killer, diabetes is one of the leading causes of death amongst human beings all over the world. The weird thing about this disease is that men are more prone to it than women.
According to a recent statistical report, around 13 million men (aged 20 years or above) are suffering from diabetes in the U.S., and most of them don't even know that.
The only way to make sure that you can be safe from this killer is to detect its symptoms at an early stage, and to understand the signs, you first have to understand how the body gets affected by this condition.
Humans need glucose for energy and survival, and glucose enters our body through the various foods we consume. These foods when consumed turn into sugar, which then spreads to all the various parts of the body.
The sugar levels are controlled by the secretion of insulin by the pancreas in our body. When a person suffers from this condition, his/her pancreas fail to produce enough insulin for the body and the end result is diabetes.

Signs of Diabetes in Men

One of the main causes of diabetes is poor health and lots of stress and tension. It's very surprising to see an increase in the number of diabetic men every year. If not taken proper care of, this deadly disease can result in grave danger and lead to many other health complications.
So many dangers and yet men don't even realize that they suffer from it until it's too late. So, to make sure that the situation doesn't get out of hand, here's a list of some of the early signs for your perusal.
► There's one symptom of diabetes which occurs only in men and it's called erectile dysfunction. This disorder slowly injures the blood vessels in and around the penis. This damage makes it impossible for a man to get an erection.
► One of the most common signs of diabetes is frequent urination which is also known as polyuria. This is probably one of the most annoying symptoms that a diabetic patient has to face daily. It's caused due to the rise of glucose levels in the body, which hampers the kidneys to such an extent that it cannot filter or absorb water properly.
► Experiencing fatigue, stress, and exhaustion on a daily basis is also a prominent diabetic sign. As the pancreas are unable to break the sugars into glucose, the male always feels low on energy.
► Feeling thirsty all the time is one of the foremost signs. It occurs because the high levels of glucose absorb the moisture content of the body.
► This health ailment may also cause problems with the vision. Medical reports say that the high levels of glucose affect the lens of the eyes. It can also damage the rear blood vessels of the eye, which often leads to permanent blindness.
► If you feel hungry or are starved all the time, there's a high chance that you are a diabetic man. A sudden increase in appetite is a strong indication towards diabetes.
► A sudden increase or decrease in weight is also a warning for this condition. When a man suffers from this disease, the body wastes more sugar as a result of frequent urination. For proper nourishment, the body then starts using up the proteins in the body, which leads to unexplainable weight loss.
► Severe headache and muscle & body pain also indicate diabetes. A person suffering from diabetes may also suffer from irregular sleep patterns.
► The most important sign of this silent killer in men is delayed wound healing. What causes this slow healing is still a matter of debate. Nerve damage and numbness in fingers, toes, and other parts of the body is also a sign of this dangerous disorder.
Diabetes is a dangerous disease and if not taken proper care of, it can lead to various health complications, which will ultimately result in the death of a person. Knowing the early signs of this ailment is an effective way to ensure that proper treatment is taken at the right time, which will ultimately avoid further damage.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.