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Early Signs of Pregnancy: Cramping

Is cramping an early sign of pregnancy? Through this story we will discuss the early signs of pregnancy and cramping, along with other symptoms exhibited by the body...
Marlene Alphonse
Pregnancy is one of the most blissful phases in a woman's life. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a lot of changes, in terms of physical, hormonal, and emotional aspects. So how do you know that you are pregnant, and what are the early symptoms?

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If you have a missed period or you feel slightly nauseous, or you have a queasy feeling in the stomach, then there are chances that you may be pregnant.
But is cramping a sign of pregnancy? Yes, early signs of pregnancy and cramping are related. Some women may experience cramping in early pregnancy. Cramps, usually mild but noticeable, indicate that the uterine wall is stretching and growing.
Some pregnant women who may experience cramping during the first trimester, often tend to panic, thinking that it may be a sign of miscarriage. But as mentioned before, early signs of pregnancy and cramping go hand in hand. Cramping is normal during pregnancy and is a common occurrence.
When the fertilized embryo implants itself in the inner wall of the uterus, then it causes cramping. This is known as implantation cramping. This is also another sign that the uterus is preparing itself to carrying the embryo for the next nine to ten months.
If you experience cramping and early pregnancy symptoms, then congratulations, you are on your way to becoming a mother. Let us take a look at the early symptoms the body exhibits during pregnancy.

Earliest Possible Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

Most of the pregnant women experience early signs of pregnancy and cramping, almost after implantation, whereas some may experience it after a week or so. Given below are some signs, which confirm that you are indeed pregnant.
  • One of the earliest signs is experiencing cramping in the initial phase. Some women experience cramping shortly after they conceive. This occurs because the uterus grows and expands in order to support the weight of the embryo, when it develops completely. These abdominal cramps may be similar to menstrual cramps.
  • Some women may also experience implantation bleeding, when the embryo embeds itself in the uterine wall. This can be noticed as a pinkish discharge and is also referred to as spotting.
  • Tender and swollen breasts are also some of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Sometimes a feeling of soreness, especially around the areola can be experienced.
  • An increase in the basal body temperature is another early symptom of pregnancy. Basal body temperature implies to the lowest temperature that is attained by the body during its resting phase. This rise in temperature is usually felt in the oral cavity and is also a sign of ovulation.
  • A feeling of nausea accompanied by vomiting is experienced by some women. Aversion or craving towards certain foodstuff can be noticed during pregnancy.
  • During the entire term of pregnancy, there is a surge of hormones in the body. But level of hormones during the first term of pregnancy is higher, resulting in mood swings, from euphoria to depression in a matter of seconds. Some women may also feel weepy and emotional during the first few weeks.
  • Constipation, due to an increase in the levels of progesterone in the body, is yet another early pregnancy symptom. This hormonal increase can cause the digested food to pass slowly through the large intestine leading to constipation.
  • Fainting spells and dizziness are common occurrences during pregnancy. This condition is due to dilation of blood vessels resulting in a drop in the blood pressure. Sometimes, they are also followed by headache, which may range from mild to severe.
However, intensive cramping may be possible signs of some problems like an ectopic pregnancy, where the fetus grows outside the uterus, and even a miscarriage. You must keep a watch on the changes and report them to a physician so that unwanted complications can be avoided.
Eating healthy foods, plenty of rest, taking medicines on time and going to the gynecologist for a routine checkup will ensure a smooth and safe pregnancy. Enjoy your motherhood and take care!