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Effects of Low Vitamin D

Smita Pandit
Vitamin D is produced in response to exposure to sunlight. This story provides information on the effects of the deficiency of the sunshine vitamin.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is naturally synthesized by our body on exposure to sunlight. It plays an important role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Besides keeping our bones healthy, it also helps in strengthening our immune system. Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol are forms of this vitamin.
The dietary sources of this vitamin include sardines, mackerel, eel, herring, egg yolks, certain types of mushrooms, cooked beef, liver, and cod liver oil. Those who don't include foods rich in this vitamin to their diet or don't step out into the sun are likely to get affected by the deficiency of this vitamin. This can give rise to some health problems.

What Causes a Vitamin D Deficiency?

Avoiding sunlight completely due to the fear of darkening of the skin is certainly not the right thing to do. As a result, the ultraviolet rays that facilitate the synthesis of this vitamin cannot be absorbed. Aging is another common cause of this nutritional deficiency. As we age, our body's ability to synthesize this vitamin declines.
If your diet doesn't include foods that contain this vitamin, you are most likely to develop this deficiency. Inability of the digestive tract to absorb this vitamin can also lead to a deficiency. Since liver or kidney diseases impact the ability of the body to convert it to an active form, people affected by such conditions might also develop this deficiency. The use of certain drugs and excessive consumption of alcohol can also affect the body's ability to convert the sunshine vitamin into an active form.

Effects of the Deficiency

A deficiency of this vitamin could lead to diseases in both children and adults. Since this vitamin is very essential for the absorption of calcium, very low levels of this vitamin would have an adverse effect on the bones. In children, low levels of this vitamin can lead to rickets, which is a disease typically characterized by bone deformities. Low levels of this vitamin can increase the risk of osteomalacia in adults.
Osteomalacia is a disease that is characterized by weakness in muscles and bones. Weakness, thinning of bones, backache, pain in muscles and joints, etc., are some of the common symptoms of the deficiency of vitamin D in adults.
Women affected by this deficiency may experience symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, weight gain, or chronic pain. They are also susceptible to arthritis, osteoporosis, and other bone disorders. Pregnant women need to be very careful about their dietary habits, as a severe deficiency can cause a bone deformity in the baby.
If blood tests indicate low vitamin D levels in blood during pregnancy, doctors recommend the consumption of foods fortified with this vitamin or may recommend vitamin D supplements. This is to make sure that your baby's bones are strong.
Musculoskeletal pain, periodontal diseases, skin pigmentation, hypertension, thyroid disorders, loss of appetite, vision problems, and inflammatory bowel disease can also be caused due to low levels of the sunshine vitamin. Low levels could also adversely affect the production of insulin in the body, making one prone to type 2 diabetes.
As this vitamin also affects the working of our nervous system, its deficiency can cause psychological problems.
Do step out on a sunny day to let your body naturally synthesize this vitamin, and include foods rich in this vitamin or foods fortified with this vitamin to your diet. Individuals affected by a severe deficiency need to vitamin supplements to prevent the effects of low vitamin D.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.