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Elbow Numbness

Suketu Mehta
Numbness in the elbow region is mainly a result of some nerve damage. However, it can also be a sign of a major health disorder. Read the story to understand a few causes and treatment of elbow numbness.
If the skin loses its ability to feel anything when touched, it is termed as numbness. When there is numbness in any part of the body, it makes the skin lifeless. Tingling or paresthesia, is a needle like pricking sensation one feels in the limbs at times, when they become numb.
When this feeling is observed in the elbow joints, it is termed as elbow numbness. It generally occurs when the nerves or blood vessels near the elbow are injured. More than a disease in itself, it is a common symptom of other major diseases affecting the body.


Elbow numbness is more like a symptom for various other medical conditions such as:
  • Fracture - When bones break
  • Neuropathy - When the nervous system starts malfunctioning
  • Artery diseases - When arteries carrying blood get damaged or swollen
  • Elbow injury - Any damage caused to the elbow joint like a fracture or dislocation
  • Diabetes - When sugar levels in the blood increase
  • Compartment syndrome - When blood vessels and nerves get compressed
  • Brachial Plexus Injury - When nerves controlling the arms and shoulders are damaged
  • Cerebrovascular disorder - When there is an interruption in blood supply to the brain
  • Nerve compression or trauma - When the nerves around the elbow are injured or compressed
Apart from these, there could also be other possible causes like injury to the tennis elbow. One should therefore consult a doctor for proper diagnosis if there are any signs of numbness.

Treatment Options

The treatment depends on the causes and the doctor's diagnosis. If the doctor finds that numbness is caused due to ailments like diabetes, artery diseases, or fracture, then treatment is provided for the same, but if it is due to nerve damage, then it would be treated in the following manner:

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a proven and very effective method for curing numbness. Physical therapy facilitates proper elbow movement besides improving blood circulation. Exercises help in building muscle strength and flexibility in the elbow. In the long run, this ensures that there is no recurrence of this condition. Consult a physiotherapist before undertaking physical therapy.


When swollen tissues pressurize the ulnar nerve cells it can cause numbness. There are a few medicines and drugs available over the counter, which help reduce swelling. Make sure that the exact medicines and dosage is prescribed by a relevant doctor.

Vitamin Supplements

When a person suffers from numb elbow, there is a possibility that the body is vitamin deficient. Vitamin B and E supplements are recommended as they help in rebuilding damaged tissues besides bringing sensation back to the skin.


Massaging the elbow or the arm, can also rid it of numbness. The massage needs to be done gently, rubbing the skin from below as well as above the elbow. This helps in increasing blood circulation, quickening the healing process.
There are chances, though, that in spite of these remedies, the elbow's numbness refuses to heal. In case of any of the following, please visit a doctor immediately:
  • The numbness keeps getting worse by the day.
  • Weakness in arm muscles for no apparent reason.
  • Recurring numbness in the same area.
  • A total loss of sensation in the elbows.
  • Numbness in other parts of the body such as left arm, head, or legs.
Since people do not feel any pain, the condition is not taken very seriously. That should not be the case. As is the case with health related issues, consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.