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Symptoms of Elevated Liver Enzymes

Bidisha Mukherjee

Most medical conditions of the liver are indicated by elevated liver enzymes. This post gives you some basic facts about what this condition is all about.
When a person is suffering from any liver disease, it is likely that the liver enzymes will get elevated. Fortunately, in most cases, it has been found that it is just a temporary condition and is not a sign of any major liver damage. There are two specific liver enzymes that get elevated in this condition.
They are: Alanine Transaminase (ALT) and Aspartate Transaminase (AST). For this reason, elevated liver enzyme is often referred by the term elevated transaminases or transaminitis. When there is a nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the ALT levels are mostly higher than the AST levels.

What Indicates Elevated Liver Enzymes?

» Jaundice is the most obvious sign of elevation in the levels of liver enzymes. It results in yellowish coloring of the skin, white part of the eyes and mucous membranes present inside the mouth. It is often accompanied by:
  • General weakness
  • Exhaustion
  • Fatigue
  • Dark urine
  • Abdominal pain
The liver releases bile, a digestive juice into the intestines for absorption of fat in the body. If the bile duct get blocked, then the digestive juice would flow through the blood instead of the intestines. As a result, stools light in color is produced.
» Mild to severe localized skin itching is another symptom which is quite common. Due to improper functioning of the liver, the toxins present in the body are no longer eliminated and they get accumulated in the skin and blood which gives a continuous itching sensation.
» Abnormal swelling in the lower part of the body like the ankles, feet and legs is an indication of high levels. This happens mainly because the waste matter of the body is not managed properly.

Treatment Options

» Treatment mainly involves curing the health disorder that interferes with the liver functions. Once the disease is treated successfully and normal functioning of the liver is restored, the level of enzymes will go down.
» If the problem is caused by side effects of any medicine, then the affected person must consider an alternative after consulting their doctor.
» People diagnosed with high liver enzymes have to bring about some changes in their diet and lifestyle. They have to eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidant vitamins and reduce intake of fatty foods.
They should exercise regularly to improve overall health condition. Doctors also advise them to cut down on alcohol consumption in order to bring down the enzymes levels.
Some people fail to identify symptoms due to lack of knowledge and they develop serious health complications later. Now, that you are aware of these symptoms, if you notice any of them, you should visit a health care professional immediately for proper treatment.


The information provided in this post is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.