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Epigastric Hernia Symptoms

Marlene Alphonse
An epigastric hernia is a disorder which occurs when a portion of any one or multiple organs of the abdomen move into the abdominal cavity. In order to note the severity of the condition, it is necessary to observe the epigastric hernia symptoms exhibited by the body...
When a small portion of the intestine or any other abdominal organ like the stomach, liver etc. gets caught up in the walls of the abdominal cavity, it can result in epigastric hernia. The intestines, stomach or liver protrude into the peritoneum and form a mass between the chest and the belly button.
One of the primary causes of epigastric hernia is straining during a bowel movement. Other reasons for the occurrence of epigastric hernia, which is a kind of abdominal hernia are lifting overtly heavy objects, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, persistent coughing and obesity etc.
The epigastric hernia is normally small in size and can occur at the place where the abdominal wall is weak.

Symptoms of Epigastric Hernia

The signs of epigastric hernia in the initial stages is usually mild. But if any organ of the abdomen gets lodged into the peritoneum, or the neighboring organs may become incarcerated, it can lead to severe complications, some of which may be life-threatening if timely medical intervention is not sought. Here are some of the epigastric hernia symptoms, observing which the intensity of this disorder can be determined.
  • One of the first signs of an epigastric hernia is a bulge or swelling in the abdomen. The prominence of this can be felt when you are bending down to pick up something or when you are having bowel movement. Exertion can put a strain on the abdomen, giving it a feeling of fullness.
  • The color of the skin around the hernia may appear to be bluish black. This can be of a serious nature since discoloration of the skin occurs when the hernia has become strangulated. Strangulation of the hernia can occur when the blood flow is completely severed. 
This condition calls for medical emergency since it can prove to be fatal, if not treated on time.
  • Severe or unbearable pain is also one of the signs of an epigastric hernia. Pain normally occurs when the hernia becomes enlarged and gets entrapped in the muscular wall of the abdomen. A feeling of tenderness around the affected region can also be noticed.
  • Some individuals may also complain of fever, which may be low or high grade. Suffering from fever is a sign of a complication, since under normal circumstances like when the hernia is simple, the person may not develop fever. 
If this is accompanied by nausea induced vomiting, then you should rush to a health care provider in order to prevent the condition from becoming severe.

Treatment of Epigastric Hernia

It is essential to undergo treatment for epigastric hernia repair, lest it becomes intense and ends up in life-threatening complications. Identifying the signs, which may range from a painless lump to the one causing extreme pain and tenderness in the abdomen, is one of the first steps towards treatment.
The physician may conduct a few diagnostic tests to determine the severity of the hernia. A physical exam, MRI and CT scan of the region and blood tests may be conducted. Pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to stem the pain and inflammation of other organs in the body.
The doctor may recommend a surgery to remove the hernia sac completely. The surgery is carried out under local anesthesia, following which the affected part is removed. The remaining unaffected parts are connected again with the help of sutures and the incision is sealed.
It is necessary to exercise proper post operative care till the surgical wound heals and the condition returns to normal.
Timely medical intervention will help prevent the intensity of any kind of hernia. It is also necessary to follow the advice of the health care provider regarding epigastric or any other hernia. Take care!