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Esophagus Spasm

Azmin Taraporewala
Esophagus spasm is an abnormal series of muscle contraction in the throat. You might equate this phenomenon with that of enduring a heart attack. However, this is not so.
Esophageal spasms or esophagus spasm are a series of muscle contractions in the throat that make swallowing and gulping down substances an extremely difficult task to endure. These spasms do not last for long and are extremely spontaneous in nature.
This spasm or unusual contraction occurs when an individual consumes fluids that vary in their respective temperature. The person may consume drinks that are very cold or very hot in nature thus causing the spasm to occur.
There are some people who experience frequent bouts of spasms that make them susceptible to being all the more uncomfortable while they consume foods or liquids.
Spasms of the esophagus are irregular and uncoordinated contractions of the esophagus. To refresh your memory a bit, the esophagus is a tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. In normal circumstances the movements of the esophagus are coordinated and in sync when the transportation of food is carried out from the tube to the stomach.
Esophageal spasms can lead to the food getting clamped in the tube, thereby preventing food from reaching the stomach. In certain circumstances, the esophageal spasms are a symptom of another condition; such as, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or Achalasia, being an ailment of the nervous system.
In this ailment the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter do not function normally. Esophageal spasms can also point towards bouts of anxiety and panic attacks.

Causes of Esophagus Spasms

The causes of esophagus muscle spasm are unknown and have gone undetected. There are many medical practitioners who debate on the causes that result in the spasm; however, research is evident that the nerve activity that facilitates the swallowing is disrupted and the esophagus is thus blocked. As mentioned earlier on in this article, the consumption of very hot and cold foods may trigger this reaction.
Symptoms of Esophagus Spasms
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Pain while ingesting food or liquid
  • Heart burn
  • Pain in chest
  • Upper abdomen feels sore and tender with pain
  • The swallowed matter is stuck in the throat after eating
  • A feeling of an impending heart attack

Diagnosis of Esophagus Spasms

Esophageal Manometry is a diagnostic test that is performed in order to understand and primarily detect if the esophagus is contracting and relaxing in a normal manner or not. This test helps to diagnose any troubles and problems that an individual faces while swallowing. An Esophagogram is also performed with additional X-rays, barium swallows and endoscopy.

Treatment Measures

Nitroglycerin is administered by placing it under the tongue for acute and less frequent episodes. In order to treat chronic cases of esophageal spasms, long acting nitroglycerin and certain prescribed calcium blockers are used. If spasms are a symptom of anxiety, antidepressants such as the nortriptyline are used.
Diet and lifestyle also have to be controlled completely, with the inclusion and conduction of breathing exercises to follow and help in constricting the spasm. In certain cases, where the esophagus spasms are increasing in terms of recurrent episodes, surgery may also be advised.
The surgeon severs the muscle along the lower esophagus and treats the problem. In such cases, the other treatment measures have been tried, however, they have not worked and their administration was in vain.
If an individual experiences these spasms once in a while, it does not demand concern. However, when the symptoms become chronic, it is best to leave the podium of judgment for the medical practitioner and consider his surrogate advice.