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Causes of Excessive Sweating

Puja Lalwani
Do you find yourself sweating more than others around you? Although sweating is good for maintaining the body temperature, when in excess, it can be a cause of an underlying medical condition. Following story lists the various causes of this condition.
While sweating is a normal function of the body, it can be a cause for serious concern when it is in excess. Commonly known as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating may be a condition in itself, or the symptom of another health condition.

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If you observe that you are sweating more than others, chances are you are suffering from hyperhidrosis. This means that your body is working very hard to cool down. This condition can be caused due to various factors.


The human body has active sweat glands in the palms, soles, armpits, and the scalp. When you sweat excessively in one or more of these areas, it is known as focal hyperhidrosis. Here are the numerous causes of this condition.
  • The condition may be genetically transferred, signs of which begin to show during childhood itself.
  • A high metabolic rate may be another cause.
  • Those who are obese are likely to face this problem because any physical activity causes a lot of exertion, and the body sweats excessively to cool it down.
  • The condition may also be a symptom of hypoglycemia (low sugar levels) among those who are diabetic.
  • Hyperthyroidism or overactivity of the thyroid gland will show itself in the form of excessive sweating among other symptoms.
  • Women may suffer from hyperhidrosis due to hot flashes that occur during menopause. Women at such a stage of life are likely to experience more body heat and therefore, a lot of sweating.
  • A heart problem may trigger sweating at night or when performing any physical activity.
  • Conditions such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or tuberculosis may also lead to hyperhidrosis.
  • Those who consume heavy spicy food, drink a lot of caffeinated drinks or alcohol, can suffer from this condition.
  • It may also be triggered in nervous and stressful situations, or when someone suffers from panic or anxiety attacks.
  • Some types of cancer such as lymphoma or leukemia can also cause excessive sweating.
  • It may be a side effect of medications including vitamin supplements, antibiotics, or antidepressants.
Sometimes it may be caused due to oversensitive nerves or overactive sweat glands.


Usually sweating too much dispels a bad odor, due to the breakdown of chemicals in sweat by bacteria present in the body. This can be quite embarrassing, as can be finding huge blotches of sweat on your clothes. This makes it all the more important to treat this condition. Now, before you try to find a solution to your problem, it is important that you have your condition diagnosed by your doctor.
If you are sweating excessively due to another health problem, then it is important to treat it first. If it is only hyperhidrosis that you are affected by, then you may follow simple methods to treat it.
  • Eat cooling foods, and avoid heavily fried and spicy foods. Include aloe vera, cumin, and fruits such as cantaloupe and watermelon in your diet.
  • You may use an antiperspirant to reduce sweating. There are special antiperspirants available for those who suffer from excessive sweating. Use them under the guidance of a doctor.
  • Wear loose, cotton clothing that absorbs sweat easily. Avoid tight clothing or footwear, and try to avoid wearing clothes in layers.
  • There are certain yoga poses, asanas, and deep breathing exercises that are performed for this condition. Perform these under the guidance of a qualified instructor.
  • Doctors often suggest botox injections for focal hyperhidrosis. However, this treatment should be opted only as a last resort, and after considering all the side effects.
  • Surgery is also an option for this problem. It is a small surgery that is performed on the nerve that triggers sweating.
A lot of people ignore excessive sweating as something they just have. However, this condition should be reported to your doctor immediately to diagnose the actual cause of the problem. You should particularly visit the doctor if you are sweating excessively while sleeping at night. This condition can also affect one's self-esteem, and prevent them from socializing. So, it is better to have this condition treated effectively, to feel healthy and confident.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical expert.