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Exercises for Flat Feet

Azmin Taraporewala
Many of us have flat feet. This condition is called pes planus. Exercises for flat feet can help the individual in correcting the condition and rebuild the fallen arches. Here are some exercises that you may like to perform.
"You have flat feet!", Have you heard your friend exclaim this way? Well, if you have and not understood what she meant, then let me tell you that having flat feet is no serious ailment that you have endured.
Flat feet, in the actual, is a condition that makes your feet fall flat on the ground minus the arches. Some people do not sustain any troubles without the arches. They have no pain and they also do not feel the pressure being exerted on their foot.
On the other hand, there are people who are of the opinion that flat feet deliver pain and discomfort especially when they stand for prolonged periods of time.
Flat feet can be corrected with a few over-the-counter exercises that you could very well perform within the comforts of your home. Here are the most important and helpful exercises for you to correct the leg arches.
You may also try to exercise with shoes that are meant for flat feet. When you choose walking shoes for flat feet, it is best to look at the support it has to provide.
You may press your toes towards the ground and let the heel face upwards. See how comfortable you find yourself with this. If you see that the shoes are bending in the center, then these shoes are not meant for you.

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Flat Feet Exercises

One piece of advice which I believe, is priceless if you take it, and worthless if you leave it: Consult a practitioner before you decide to perform these exercises.
Most people find it mandatory to do so while some people may find themselves least bothered about garnering an expert consult before beginning with their schedule. These exercises needn't be mundane. You could have some fun and frolic by the way and correct your trouble as well. You may perform these exercises:

Curl up a Comforter

Can you ever imagine comfort while exercising? Well, here is one exercise that contributes tremendously to your comfort sector. Take a comforter, preferably the one that you do not use any more and place it under your feet.
Now with your feet try to curl the comforter as much as you can. Make sure to unfurl it as well. This will reduce the pain that you have been facing in your feet. You can also do this with the help of a towel. Repeat this exercise 6 to 8 times.

Pick It Up

In this exercise you could place small, little objects, such as pebbles (make sure you don't slip or hurt your self!), a few plastic balls, cotton balls on the floor. Don't place objects like pins; you may not be able to see them and might just end up hurting yourself. Pick them up with your feet and drop them in a basket as you pick them up with your foot.

Tips for the Toe

This is easy! We have done this a number of times when we don't intend to disturb someone. We walk on our tiptoes and get back on our heels when we are out of the do-not-disturb zone. You need to do just that.

Curl Up

Position yourself on the bed and curl up your toes. Release them and curl them up again. Do this several times, unless you feel your feet have started to gain pressure.

Fan the Feet

Stretch your feet and open up you toes in such a manner that they resemble a fan. Let them be in the position for a few seconds and release them. In this way, you are able to stretch your ankles, your calves, your feet and your heels.

Off the Cliff

Place a thick board of wood or you may resort to using a flat stool. Ensure that it is sturdy enough to bear your weight. (Pun not intended) Now stand on the piece of wood or the stool with your feet covering the stool surface and your toes peeping out of the stool. Conduct your exercise by clenching or curling your toes and releasing them.

Backward Trip

This exercise requires body balance. Make sure that you stand erect. Lift your toes so that the pressure is on your heel and your feet except the toes. Let the toes rise and bring them down slowly. You have to do this slowly because you may sprain your foot in the bargain.

Pick and Throw

You may place some items on the floor and slowly pick them up with your feet and throw them. See how far you can throw the object.

Ballad Move

Stand near a wall or where you can gather some support for yourself and raise one leg off the floor. In the meanwhile raise the ball of the other foot; the heel, off the floor. Let the toes touch the ground and form a deep arch. Remain in this position for a few seconds and release.
With these exercises for flat feet, you are sure to correct your condition and bring in some improvement in your state. These exercises can be performed at any time of the day. No fixed timings and no diets to follow. Ever seen exercises as flexible as these?