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Exercises for People with Bad Knees

Exercises like cardio or leg lifts can be safely carried out by people suffering from painful knees. Make sure that a knee injury does not stop you from getting fit.
Madhura Pandit
You have been exercising regularly for the past couple of years, but cannot continue now due to a knee injury. In that case, you need to look for exercises that are easier on your knees or exercises of the upper body.

Leg Exercises

Exercises that exert pressure on knees should be completely avoided. If you try them, there are high chances of going wrong and causing injury. Therefore, it is wise to avoid exercises like lunges and deep squats.

Partial Squats

For performing this, you need to stand straight with your feet about hip width apart. Toes should point forward and your back should be straight. Now, try to lower your body as if you are about to sit on a chair. The back and the stomach should be kept straight. Just lower your body partially and regain the original position. Continue for a couple of times.

Leg Lifts

Lay down on your side with one arm stretched above your head (straight on the floor) and other to your side. Your feet should be extended and straight, stacked on top of each other. Try to raise the upper leg straight upwards as much as possible. You will reach 30-45 degrees of angle. Hold on for a couple of seconds and slowly regain the original position.

Cardio Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises are undoubtedly the best exercises to stay fit. However, most of these exercises like jogging, and running; sports like basketball, tennis, etc., cannot be performed by people with bad knees. However, you can find an alternative by trying out the following exercises.


Swimming is one of the most effective cardiovascular exercises for people of all age groups. As swimming is not hard on knees, you can swim daily for 30-45 minutes. Choose a stroke that is simple and least strenuous.

Recumbent Bicycle

If you cannot run or cycle using an ordinary cycle due to your painful knees, you can surely try cycling with a recumbent bicycle. Sit in a reclining position where the weight gets distributed among the hips, back, and legs. Therefore, the pressure exerted on the legs or knees reduces considerably and you can enjoy a workout without any pain.
Apart from these, other exercises like step up, calf raises, walking, etc., are also effective. As mentioned earlier, if you're aiming for weight loss, you should look for exercises that concentrate on the upper body. Lastly, as a note of caution, it is wise to undergo workouts under the supervision of a trainer in order to avoid pain and injury.
Disclaimer: This is meant only to provide information. It is not to be substituted for doctor's advice.