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Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure

Kundan Pandey
Hypertension can be effectively controlled and treated with proper medication. However, the role of physical activities and a healthy lifestyle is equally important to control it.
There are a number of remedies available so as to lower blood pressure, but the importance of suitable exercises can't be ignored. The American Heart Association has recently stressed on the importance of daily workouts. It is advised that people diagnosed with blood pressure issues must exercise at least thrice a week.
However, it is essential to consult a doctor before going in for vigorous exercises. Usually, cardiologists along with fitness experts conduct tests that can determine the endurance power of a patient.
Depending on the test results, a person is suggested only those exercises that he or she can practice comfortably. Here's a list of the exercises to lower blood pressure.


Aerobics is a physical activity that increases the capacity of the body to consume more oxygen. It involves walking, jogging, and running. These can be practiced by people of all ages, irrespective of any athletic or sports experience. During aerobic exercises, one moves the body muscles in a fast and controlled manner.
This helps the blood to flow faster from the muscles to the heart, and to the other parts of the body as well. Also, this makes expulsion of toxins from the body easier, while various endorphins that enhance the feeling of well-being are secreted inside it.
Walking: Walking is the simplest and the most effortless exercise to lower blood pressure. Generally, you should start slowly and gradually increase the pace of walking. Pedometers that are used to count your steps and give an exact account of the daily progress are available in fitness shops. Breathe deeply, walk briskly, and enjoy. Never try to make it strenuous; just be at ease, and walking will surely benefit you. Walking to a local store, using the staircase (instead of the lift), and going out for a walk with your dog can be beneficial.
Jogging and Running: These aerobic exercises are also very effective. You can jog or run in a park, or in an area where the pollution level is low. Treadmills are a good option if it's not possible to go outdoors. If you don't have one, you can check out the local gyms. Make sure you evaluate your progress weekly or bimonthly.


Swimming is not only a fun sport, but also a perfect exercise to maintain a healthy level of blood pressure. It improves the blood circulation and also tones the muscles. It has psychological benefits as well. It lessens stress, increases vitality of the body, and makes the body feel better.


Cycling with your kids can be great fun, as also helping you to remain fit. Pedal through the streets for a few hours every week and enjoy several health benefits.


Yoga and breathing exercises help in lowering blood pressure to a significant level. Various yogic postures like double leg raises, half spinal twist, and shoulder stretches can be practiced at home with ease. More strenuous exercises should be practiced under the strict supervision of trainers. Proper breathing is essential to gain a command on our body.
Breathing exercises such as Anulom vilom (breathing through alternate nostrils) and Bhramari pranayama have a soothing effect on the brain. The brain releases certain hormones that help the body to attain perfect health. It's good to enroll in a yoga class and follow the exercises religiously.


This is a profound way of connecting to your deeper self. Researchers have found that it has huge health benefits in reducing stress and relaxing the mind. Though it is a spiritual pursuit, incorporating it in your daily life is sure to enhance your mental and physical well-being. These techniques can be learned from meditation teachers and trainers.
Controlling blood pressure levels requires discipline from the patient's side. All the above-mentioned exercises do not require extra efforts; all they need are just a few hours from your busy life. If you can manage it effectively, you'll be able to reap rich benefits of a healthy life.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.