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Exhaling Problems

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Exhaling problems are painful health conditions that should not be taken lightly. Correct diagnosis and following effective treatment, in terms of therapeutic intervention and self-care regimens, help in alleviating the problem.
Exhaling problems are some of the most discomforting medical cases, which many of us experience at one point or the other in our life. Very often, they are taken lightly without thinking twice about getting medical intervention. However, the fact is that exhaling problem or precisely, breathing difficulty can be a serious symptom of diseases and disorders. Hence, if such a discomforting symptom persists for an extended period, it is imperative to take medical attention at the earliest possible date.

What Causes Exhaling Problems?

As we all are aware, the lungs perform the major function of exchanging carbon dioxide from the blood with the oxygen from the air, we take in through normal breathing. Exhaling difficulty arises when there is any abnormality in the breathing process. The underlying causes for breathing problems are both hereditary and environmental. For example; air pollutants, smoking, and inhalation of lung irritants increase the risk of breathing difficulties.
Needless to say, problems in breathing are manifested due to health problems concerning the respiratory system. Consequently, respiratory tract disorders, like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), sleep apnea, and pulmonary fibrosis are the main culprits for such discomfort signs. Other than these, exhaling problems are observed as referred symptoms of other diseases. In some patients of heart attacks, fluid pours inside the lungs causing suffocation and similar symptoms.
Some of the noticeable signs are wheezing, shortness of breath, and frequent coughs. For some patients, symptoms worsen at night. In general, breathing problems including exhaling malfunction become worse with aging. This is because of the anatomical changes in the lung tissues. With age, the lungs' elasticity decreases and the small airways also shrink. These reduce the lungs' efficiency to breathe in and out properly. Ultimately, mild to severe breathing disorders are manifested.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Exhaling problems in the lungs are manifested as cough, with sudden and uncontrollable exhalation of air. By doing so, the lungs clear the airways and expel any foreign material present in the passages. Mild exhaling discomfort and cough, caused by cold and flu, are not a subject of much concern. Nevertheless, if the problems are persistent and cause disturbance in the daily activities, then it's high time to get the condition checked by a qualified doctor.
Once in the hospital, the physician examines the symptoms and medical history of the patient. The doctor will check for asthma condition, as it causes more problems during exhalation of air than inhaling. If required, diagnostic test procedures including chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG), and microbial culture of phlegm are conducted for identifying the underlying cause of exhaling problems. Usually, the airways are constricted, in comparison to the normal structure of healthy persons.
Based on the diagnostic results, treatment options are explained to the patient. Treatment is aimed at reducing the discomfort symptoms (cough and wheezing), while providing exhaling help at the same time. The doctor may prescribe oral medicines, nebulizer treatment, and breathing exercises to get relief from exhaling problems. For people who are currently on medication, alteration of the dosage or prescription medication will be recommended.
For effective treatment, patients should follow self-care tips, as directed by the concerned doctor. In order to get instant relief, easy to use inhalers, oxygen concentrators, and steam therapy sessions are prescribed. It is imperative to avoid exposure to lung irritants and harmful substances that trigger breathing symptoms. This include refraining from cigarette smoking and excess alcohol consumption. Making healthy lifestyle changes in terms of diet and exercise, surely aid in reducing exhaling problems.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.