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Extreme Fatigue

Marlene Alphonse
Extreme fatigue is a feeling of tiredness all day long that makes the person unable to concentrate on his work. Read the following story to know how to cure chronic fatigue, along with the information on its causes and signs...
You feel very low on energy and always feel fatigue seeping into your body on a daily basis. The reason may be a hectic schedule or an overload of work. This is quite a normal occurrence as the body gets tired after performing so many tasks.
The body works like a machine and needs rest so once you relax and take rest you feel recharged and are ready to go back to work. But in some cases, no matter how much you rest the body, you still feel drained out.
You always seem to get tired, even after doing petty things, for no apparent reasons and are unable to go through your daily routine. There are chances that you may be suffering from extreme or severe fatigue, which makes you feel weary all the time.
Extreme fatigue, which is also called chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition where tiredness is not relieved even by ample rest. This condition is characterized by extreme tiredness and a feeling of sleepiness accompanied by a lack of motivation to do any task.
An individual may feel extremely weary and experience a feeling of being tired constantly, which may make it difficult to go about doing normal activities. The individual may also feel that there is no energy left in his body. This condition can be due to several factors which may weaken the person.

Severe Fatigue Causes

There are several causative factors that may make an individual feel extremely tired. Identifying the trigger in the initial stages and treating it is essential in order to avoid the conditions from worsening, which may take a longer time to get cured.
A few of the causative factors are listed as below:
  • Psychological Problems: One of the most common causes of extreme exhaustion is psychological problems, which may result from depression, loss of a loved one, divorce and other such problems which the person finds it difficult to cope with. This may lead to fatigue, both physically and mentally.
  • Illnesses: Certain illness like anemia, diabetes and thyroid disorders may make the individual feel drained out due to a deficiency of proper nutrients in the body. Other illnesses, like the flu or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) may tend to weaken the body and make the individual feel extremely tired. 
Metabolic diseases may lead to intense fatigue after exercise or exercise intolerance. Intense fatigue in women is caused due to illnesses like Lyme disease, hemochromatosis (the accumulation of iron in the liver) and fibromyalgia, which also causes severe body pain.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle: Individuals who lead a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle experience chronic fatigue since they do not follow a proper diet, sleep and exercise regimen hence, depriving the body of proper rest and relaxation. Individuals who are addicted to habits like smoking, drinking and drugs may also feel extremely fatigued.
  • Work Related Stress : Job stress and the feeling of inability to perform well is also a main cause where the person may feel extremely exhausted. Workplace stress may include too much workload, problems with superiors and colleagues, lack of job satisfaction, the fear of losing one's job, competition etc.

Intense Fatigue Symptoms

There are many indications that are associated with this condition. These symptoms last for a long period of time, such that an individual is unable to perform any of the daily activities. Given below are some of the signs which can help diagnose why an individual may feel intensely drained out of energy
  • Inattentiveness and Confusion: First warning sign of extreme exhaustion is inattentiveness which can be caused due to insomnia (known as sleep deprivation), anxiety and stress. As fatigue becomes more severe in nature, it may turn into confusion. Sometimes an individual may also experience malaise and may not be able to think and express himself properly.
  • Weakness: The first sign that an individual is suffering from utmost fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion and a constant complaint of lack of energy most of the time.
  • Dizziness: Experiencing dizziness is a sign that an individual is extremely exhausted. When the body is very tired, the rate at which oxygen is supplied to the brain slows down and the person experiences a fainting spell.
  • Increased Heart Rate: Heart palpitations can occur when the body becomes extremely tired. The heartbeats are felt as rapid, pounding or fluttering sensations which are higher than the normal heartbeats.
  • Headaches: Another common symptom of severe fatigue is a bout of headaches, which may range from mild to severe in nature. The occurrence of headaches may depend on the body's reaction to fatigue and may vary from individual to individual.

Treating Extreme Tiredness

It is necessary to diagnose the signs and symptoms in its early stages in order to cure this disorder. Practicing meditation and yoga may lower the stress by calming the mind. 
There are also certain medications that can induce sleep and reduce stress which should be taken under the guidance of a medical practitioner. Eating iron rich foods can help prevent anemia, which will increase the red blood cell count and reduce fatigue. A healthy change in the diet plan and lifestyle will keep fatigue at bay.
Never ignore signs of extreme fatigue as it may be an indication of some underlying medical condition. If you feel tired or stressed out even after proper rest, consult your physician who may diagnose your condition and prescribe appropriate medication to provide relief. Take care!