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Eye Floaters Treatment

Sonia Nair
Eye floaters is a condition that denotes the small spots and strings that move in the field of vision, as you move the eyes. Read on to know more about the treatment for the same.
Eye floaters is the commonly used term to denote a medical condition of the eye called myodesopsia, myiodeopsia or myodeopsia. The affected person sees spots, strings or cobwebs of different shapes and sizes, that float around in his/her field of vision.
These things, called eye floaters do not exist outside the eyes, but are seen by the affected person, due to the eye condition called myodesopsia.
This condition is mostly caused by age-related factors, but sometimes, young people too get affected by this condition. While some experience one or a few eye floaters, some others complain about hundreds, in a single eye. It may also happen that floaters are seen in one of the eyes or both.
The number, size and shape of the floaters may vary from one eye to the other and from the eye of one person to another. The color of these floaters are found to be gray or dark and are more apparent when the person looks at bright light.


The most common cause for eye floaters is the age-related changes inside the eye. Objects in the field of vision reflect light rays, which are focused into the retina. This enables us to see.
The light rays have to pass through the vitreous humor (a jelly-like substance that is found in the back portion of the eye), before reaching the retina. This vitreous humor contains numerous fine fibers, which are attached to the retina.
With age, the vitreous humor shrinks in size and may get detached from the inner surface of the eyeball. In such cases, it may form small lumps of different sizes and shapes. In some people, the vitreous humor may be like fine strings.
These lumps or strings, sometimes partially block the passage of light rays to the retina, causing shadows in the vision. It has been observed that this condition develops gradually, but, some people experience a sudden onset of symptoms.
In some severe cases, the shrinking fibers in the vitreous humor may cause displacement of the retina and may affect the vision. In such cases, immediate medical attention is needed. While age is the most common cause, others include, complication of diabetes, pregnancy and trauma of the eye.


It has been observed that mild cases of eye floaters sometimes disappear naturally. In some other cases, the eyes get adapted to the presence of such floaters that become less disturbing with time.
There is no medication that is proven to be effective in decreasing the number of eye floaters or removing them. If there are numerous floaters that affect the normal vision, the doctor may suggest the surgical removal of the vitreous humor and this process is called vitrectomy.
Laser treatment involves the breaking up of eye floaters with a laser. Both these surgeries are generally not performed on patients with common type of eye floaters. In other words, such surgeries are not usually recommended for those with mild to moderate symptoms. Above all, these surgeries are risky and there is no guarantee towards their efficacy.
If the symptoms are sudden with the patient experiencing lots of eye floaters, it is an emergency. One of the alternative treatments for this eye problem is the psychological conditioning of the patient, so that he/she gets adjusted to the condition.
Even though, there are various claims regarding the efficacy of natural treatment, nothing is proven effective till date. If there is any other underlying cause, then eye floaters treatment is aimed at curing that condition first.
Even though, there is no specific treatment for the condition, it is managed on the basis of individual symptoms and severity. If you have any of these symptoms, consult an ophthalmologist and get it diagnosed. Those with eye floaters must go through the various treatment options, their side effects and then decide, as per the advice of your doctor.
Disclaimer: This story is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.