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Eyesight Problems and Their Causes

Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi
Eyesight problems are common nowadays. People suffer from such problems for a number of various reasons. Let's have a look at a few eyesight problems and their causes.
Medical research says, that every second American is suffering from an eyesight problem. In this world of modern technology, we have developed a lot of devices for our entertainment such as laptops, computers, big LCD screen TVs, iPhones, iPods etc, etc. they provide us entertainment whenever we want, but they also eject harmful rays from their screens which are harmful for our eyes and leave us with many vision problems.

Eye Problems and Headaches

Most people take their eyes for granted, it is only when they start facing some kind of eye irritation or the eyes become red they realize that something is wrong. To have a better understanding on this topic, let's have a look at various eyesight issues in detail.


It is one of the most common eyesight issues in children. Amblyopia means when one eye has poorer vision than the other. A child's vision will not develop properly if Amblyopia is left untreated.
The brain will start ignoring the image that the eye captures from the affected eye and this problem becomes worse when the child becomes a teenager. Amblyopia can also cause permanent loss of vision in later stages. Regular appointments with the eye doctor are considered very important for fruitful treatment for this eye condition.


Astigmatism is the irregular curvature of the cornea, in medical terms it is also known as a refractive error. Every person living on this earth suffers from Astigmatism once in his/her lifetime. The eyes of a human being are naturally spherical in shape. They refract light evenly creating a clear image of the object.
However, in Astigmatism a person's eye is shaped more like a football or like a back of a spoon. So he/she can only see a part of an object as light entering the eye is refracted more in one direction and less than the other.
Computers are one of the leading causes of Astigmatism. Objects at a distance seem very blurry and wavy. Astigmatism in most cases is found to be hereditary and is present since birth.

Black Eye

Black Eye is caused as a result of a fight or an injury to the eye area. In Black Eye blood and fluids collect around the eye area. Despite the name, it's the tissues surrounding the eye that are injured and not the eye itself. The skin around the eye is usually loose as it mainly consists of fat. In most cases this condition heals itself in a few days.


Shortsightedness or Myopia affects nearly 30% of the total population in the US. People suffering from this eyesight problem face difficulties in seeing objects which are at a distance. In Myopia the eyeball becomes too long or the cornea has too much of a curvature, so the light reflected from various images focuses in front of the retina rather than directly on the retina, which causes blurred vision.


The Iritis is an inflammation of the colored part of the pupil. It causes pain, redness of eye, tearing of the eye, sensitivity to light and blurred vision. The cause of Iritis has been linked to a number of diseases such as tuberculosis, ankylosing spondylitis.

Eyesight Problems Flashing

When people start seeing flash lights, the pupil of the eye shrinks and it experiences a force which pushes it on the retina. With growing age, people experience this problem frequently. It has never been considered as a serious threat, but if the patient has started seeing flash lights frequently it is time to see a doctor.
At a later stage the patient could suffer from a torn retina so fixing an appointment with the eye doctor is the best thing to do. Light flashes that appear as scratched lines are caused by migraines.

Eyesight Problems During Pregnancy

Eye problems are one of the many discomforts that come with pregnancy. Pregnant women face eye problems due to the frequent change in the level of progesterone and fluid retention. The cornea of the eye becomes thick or can also lessen during pregnancy, these changes can affect the sharpness of the eyesight. Women who have a medical history of diabetes are prone to eye problems as the blood vessels which assist the retina can be affected.
So these were some of the eye problems that individuals face on a daily basis. It is very necessary to take care of eyes as they are the only medium of vision for humans. People facing any discomfort with the eyes should visit the eye doctor immediately.