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Face Eczema

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Face eczema is a worrying and painful skin disorder that affects both children and adults. This story provides some information about this medical condition, its causes and symptoms, and the effective remedies and treatment that might prove beneficial.
Eczema or dermatitis is a skin problem that can develop in any part of the body, including the face, chest, back, hands, and legs. Though any type of eczema is unpleasing, face eczema is quite an unsightly condition. Furthermore, it is likely that an individual with this medical condition may feel depressed and self-conscious. If one is among those who are affected by this medical condition, one should be aware of the treatment methods that are available for the same.

Causes and Symptoms

Face eczema is no different from other forms of this medical condition. Hence, the triggering factors and causes of this problem on the face and other body areas are the same. However, the exact causes for this medical condition still remain unknown, but the condition is found to be exacerbated by several factors such as pollutants, dry weather, hormonal fluctuations, allergies, and prolonged stress.
According to medical data, children of those who have this medical condition have 80 percent chances of developing it in the early years or later on in life. Among the several types that affect the face, atopic eczema and seborrhoeic eczema are the most reported types. The facial areas that are susceptible to this skin disorder are eyelids, the area around the eyes, cheeks, and sides of the nose.
Furthermore, the symptoms observed are reddish, inflamed spots that may be flat or elevated from the surrounding skin areas. The affected skin become extremely dry, itchy, and irritated. Constant scratching may thicken the skin, a condition known as lichenification. In severe cases, red rashes may appear, which at times, develop into fluid-filled blisters. After a few days, the blisters open and ooze out fluid, which crust over and heal.


Selecting appropriate treatment methods is of utmost importance. After all, one is dealing with the most noticeable and sensitive area of the body that is the face. The atopic type cannot be cured, but the symptoms are manageable. Otherwise remedies and correct facial skin care tips have shown positive results.
There are myriads of products, formulated particularly for the treatment of this skin disorder. However, one should choose the correct brand that suits their skin type. It is best that one relies on natural, plant-based formulations for the cure, which are free of long-term adverse effects. Keeping this in mind, one should analyze the ingredients before applying any ointment or cream on the affected areas.
In case there are no prompt responses with these remedies and topical creams, it is recommended to get the skin condition checked by a qualified dermatologist. After testing for the signs of infection and other medical problems, the physician may prescribe oral medications (antibiotics, antihistamines, steroids, etc.) and suitable creams for the treatment.
For quick healing of this medical condition, alterations in terms of a diet plan and skin care are imperative along with therapeutic medicines. One can apply topical ointments for reducing the discomfort symptoms like itching and scarring. Nevertheless, permanent cure can be achieved only with healthy foods and after refraining from allergens.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.