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Facial Tingling

Bidisha Mukherjee
Tingling sensation on the facial skin becomes more bothersome when it comes with other symptoms such as pain, muscle spasms, skin rash, dizziness, etc. Read this to gather more information on its causes and treatment...
The condition of tingling accompanied by a sense of numbness is referred to as paresthesia. It can be felt in any part of the body. If we sleep on one arm all night long, then that hand goes numb, when we get up in the morning.
Similarly, our leg starts tingling when we sit in the same position for long hours. However, the discomfort associated with facial tingling is much more than that felt in any other part of the body.


"Pins and needles" felt in the legs and hands is because of excessive pressure on some nerves. As a result, we tend to assume that facial tingling has got something to do with the effect of the nerves. However, it is not always so and it can be related to other underlying health conditions as well. The possible causes are as follows:

Nerve Problems

There are several groups of nerves present under the facial skin. They are - the mandibular nerve near the jaw, chin and earlobe, the maxillary nerve near the cheek, nose, upper lip and eyes, the ophthalmic nerves extending from the upper eyelid area to the forehead and head and so on.
When any of these nerve groups or nerve ends are pressed due to infection or injury, facial tingling can occur. Certain neurological disorders can also be the cause behind loss of sensation in the face.


Tingling can be the symptom of a disease as well. Just before the outbreak of shingles rash, one feels tingling and burning sensation on one side of the face. It is observed during the onset of stroke symptoms too.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that has a damaging effect on the central nervous system and it triggers this abnormal sensation. Migraines, stroke, and arthritis can also trigger this.

Change in Metabolism

Tingling on face can be a result of malfunctioning of thyroid gland or nutritional deficiency. Lack of essential minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. in the body adversely affect the metabolic processes. As a result, one may get tingling feeling in different parts of the body, including the face. Menopausal women may experience tingling on face.


You may be surprised to know that there is a connection between facial tingling and anxiety. During panic attacks, it is felt along with other anxiety symptoms like sweating, dizziness, ringing sound in the ears, fear and so on.

Other Causes

People who are undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy often experience tingling on facial skin. This problem may arise after a trauma, like a dental procedure, or injury to the spinal cord. Allergic reactions towards some food, effects of alcohol and tobacco, side effects of certain medicines, etc. are some of the external factors behind tingling.


When a person complains about tingling sensation in face just after a head or back injury, the matter could be something serious and requires emergency medical intervention.
Similarly, a patient who feels numbness on one side of the face and body could have suffered a stroke and should be rushed to the hospital immediately. In other cases, the treatment is focused upon the underlying cause and the accompanying symptoms.
  • If there is pain and inflammation, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are given to control them.
  • One can recover from tingling caused by migraines with adequate amount of rest and sleep.
  • When it is because of anxiety, antidepressants are prescribed to keep the anxiety symptoms in check.
  • Nutritional deficiency is treated with the help of dietary supplements of calcium, magnesium and vitamin B complex.
  • Those who are suffering from any other disease have to undergo proper treatment for that in order to get rid of this symptom.
As you can see, there are so many health problems due to which one can experience tingling. Therefore, it is advisable not to start any treatment on your own. Discuss the problem in detail with your doctor who will guide you about all possible treatments.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.