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Fallopian Tube Blockage

Marlene Alphonse
Fallopian tube blockage or hydrosalpinx is a condition where the fallopian tube is blocked, preventing fertilization and pregnancy. In this story, we will be discussing the causes, signs and treatment options of this female reproductive system disorder.
In the female body, there is a pair of fallopian tubes, one on each side of the uterus, which leads to a mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus. The fallopian tube plays a significant role in the process of ovulation and conception.
The egg cannot become fertilized and the embryo cannot reach the uterus for implantation without the fallopian tubes. The oviducts can develop several complications, if they are not in a good condition. One such problem is fallopian tube blockage.

Blockage in the Fallopian Tubes

Hydrosalpinx, a specific kind of blocked fallopian tube, is a condition which causes the tube to dilate and fill with fluid, blocking the sperm and egg, thereby preventing fertilization and pregnancy. When an infection attacks the fallopian tubes, the body produces white blood cells and other antibodies to fight the infection.
The white blood cells and other fluids fill the tube. In the process of destroying the infection, the fragile, inner walls of the fallopian tube get scarred. The end of the tube towards the ovaries get partially or totally blocked and the scarred tissues start forming on the outside surface of the fallopian tube.
This condition can affect the ovaries and the fallopian tubes and can cause infertility. The most common cause of blocked fallopian tube or tubal infertility is PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), which is the result of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Intrauterine contraceptive methods, miscarriage or difficulty at birth, termination of pregnancy, can also contribute to PID.
Here are some of the other potential causes of hydrosalpinx.
  • History of appendicitis
  • History of uterine infection caused by any previous miscarriage or abortion
  • A medical condition called endometriosis
  • Adhesion due to previous surgery of the fallopian tubes or the abdomen
  • Tubal litigation procedures
  • Previous ectopic pregnancy
  • Peritonitis
  • If the person is suffering from or had a history of gonorrhea or chlamydia

Symptoms of Hydrosalpinx

Since the signs of obstructed fallopian tubes are not very salient, they cannot be easily identified. Though there are a few vague symptoms observed, they depend on the cause of blockage in either or both the fallopian tubes and vary accordingly.
A few women do not experience any symptoms at all. Lower abdominal pain and unusual vaginal discharge are symptoms of blocked fallopian tube caused due to hydrosalpinx. If the tubes are blocked due to infections, pain during sexual intercourse would be experienced.
Similarly, a woman may experience acute pain during menstruation, if the blockage is caused due to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Anovulation, where the ovaries do not release a ripened oocyte (egg), and irregular menstrual cycles may be a hint to symptoms of this health disorder.

Treating Obstruction in Fallopian Tube

A blocked fallopian tube prevents the successful passage of an egg to a sperm, or a fertilized egg or zygote to the uterus. There are a few treatments to correct hydrosalpinx and surgery is one such option to correct this common cause of infertility.
The chances of pregnancy can be improved by treating and finding a cure for this condition. Choked tubes can be diagnosed using tests or procedures like Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), ultrasound and exploratory laparoscopic surgery.
  • Salpingectomy - In this procedure the ducts that are affected by hydrosalpinx are removed. This is done to improve the chances of success of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) procedures.
  • Selective Tubal Cannulation - By inserting a catheter or cannula into the fallopian tube through the cervix, this procedure is used to treat blockage in areas close to the uterus.
  • Salpingostomy - This method is adopted when both the fallopian tube ends get blocked due to hydrosalpinx. In this procedure a new opening is created in the fallopian tubes that lie closest to the ovaries.
  • Fimbrioplasty - This procedure may be done when a part of the fallopian tube closest to the ovary has a scar tissue or is blocked. It also rebuilds the fringed ends of the fallopian tube.
  • Tubal Reanastomosis - This method is used to repair the damaged portion of the fallopian tube. The blocked part is removed and the healthy ends are joined through an abdominal incision.
Getting to know about fallopian tube blockage can be productive in treating this condition. The chances of conceiving again, completely depends on the success ratio of the treatment.