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Common Causes of Bloating

Puja Lalwani
Bloating is a condition in which the abdomen feels uncomfortably full and bloated. Know about the various causes of this condition.
Many people experience the feeling of puffy, stretched, and bloated stomach. This may be caused due to lifestyle, poor eating habits, and lack of physical activity. For some people the condition may be caused due to a weekend of festivities, while for others it may be a common occurrence. The symptoms of this condition include fullness, tightness, pain, excessive gas (flatulence), frequent burping, or belching. Given below are some of the causes of this condition.


There are several reasons for bloating, and most of them are related to the foods that you eat. Take a look at how these foods and other lifestyle conditions affect your body and lead to bloating, along with a few tips to reduce it.

Foods that Cause Bloating

Most of you may have noticed that you feel bloated after eating certain foods. Here we identify those certain specific foods that cause bloating and severe discomfort after their consumption
Among the foods that cause bloating are legumes and lentils, vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, onions, and broccoli, starchy foods such as rice and potatoes, eggs, and other deep-fried foods. All these foods take longer to digest, and therefore, cause a bloated feeling.
Water retention is another reason why you may feel bloated. This usually happens when the intake of salt is high. The foods that are high in salt are crisps, packaged foods, and fast food. To deal with this problem it is necessary to reduce the salt intake, and drink lots of water to get rid of the retained water in the body.
Some people may have an intolerance for fructose, or the natural sugar present in fruits. Such fruits are apples, bananas, grapes, etc. Consumption of these in excess may also leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable. To tackle this problem, eat fruits that have lower fructose levels such as oranges, grapefruit, and cantaloupe.
Bloating may also be common if you are lactose-intolerant. People who are affected by lactose intolerance cannot digest lactose effectively, which is present in milk and other dairy products. Poor digestion of any kind of foods often leads to bloating, therefore such people should avoid the consumption of dairy products.

Eating too many sweets and other sugary treats such as candy, cakes, etc., may also cause this condition. Therefore, reduce your intake to such treats and see the difference.
Sensitivity to gluten, found in breads, cereals, and other such refined products, causes a problem called celiac disease. The common symptoms of this disease are bloating and irritable bowel syndrome.
Therefore, you must have yourself checked for sensitivity to this food additive, and then reduce or completely stop its intake, after consulting a doctor or nutritionist.
Gassy and carbonated drinks are also one of the prominent causes of bloating. You may be used to the 'kick' that you get after having a fizzy drink, and probably overlook the discomfort you feel after having one. But these drinks are one of the main causes of bloating. Therefore, reduce the intake of sodas, and switch to healthier juices instead.
Apart from this, excessive consumption of alcohol may cause you to feel bloated, and cause puffy eyes, swollen arms and legs, and a bloated abdomen. Limit your intake of alcohol, and try to detoxify your body by following a good detox diet.
Lastly, simply overeating, or eating after long gaps is also known to cause gassiness. Therefore, try to reduce your meal quantities, and eat more often, may be at an interval of 2-3 hours.
For instance, start with a fruit early in the morning, then go on to have a bowl of cereal after a gap of 2 hours, then a small amount of pasta for lunch, and continue your day in this routine.

Other Reasons

Apart from the consumption of aforementioned foods and beverages, there are other lifestyle habits that contribute to a bloated abdomen.

Stress indirectly causes bloating. A lot of us have a tendency to overeat (and overeat all sorts of junk food) under high levels of stress. Also, under stress, the colon has spasms that causes the stomach to bloat.
Certain relaxation activities like yoga and meditation will help you feel much better, and bring a change in your overall health and lifestyle.
One of the most important cause of this condition is consumption of excessive air. You may swallow too much air when you eat quickly, chew gum, smoke, and when you sip a drink through a straw. Changing these habits, like chewing slowly, giving up the cigarette and the need for chewing gum thereafter will give you relief from bloating.
Lack of exercise is one of the most common causes of this condition. With your hectic lifestyle, you are probably eating at the wrong hours, eating the wrong food, and obviously do not have enough time to exercise, which may result in the feeling of gassiness. Change your lifestyle a little, and make sure you get at least thirty minutes of exercise daily.
The condition may be one of the side effects of a medicine you may be taking for some other health condition. Therefore, speak to your doctor regarding this, and see if there is any suitable alternative available.
Constipation is another condition that causes bloating. It is usually a result of the poor exercise and bad eating habits. Correcting those will automatically regulate your body's natural cycle and relieve you of constipation and bloating.
Sometimes, this condition may be the symptom of an underlying disease, that you yourself may not be able to detect. If changing your habits, and trying effective methods still don't make any difference in your condition, you ought to consult a doctor, He will be in a better position to diagnose the condition and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.