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Femoral Artery Pain

Azmin Taraporewala
Pain in the femoral artery is preponderantly caused due to the artery suffering a blockage. Blood flow toward the feet is truncated and as a result, your legs ache. Undermentioned are details on the subject in question.
The femoral artery is the blood vessel that carries blood to the upper portion of the legs. It is when this blood vessel suffers an impairment, that its functioning is impaired. A specific part of the femoral artery weakens, and the blood that was carried to the thighs, accumulates.
When the blood accumulates, the femoral artery tends to swell up. This is referred to as femoral aneurysm. Pain is caused due to the blockage of the femoral artery. The blood flow in the legs get severely affected. It may also lead to death of tissues in the foot and toes.

When Is Pain Experienced

The femoral artery may trigger pain in specifically connected areas indicating that the condition demands medical intervention. The indicants are as follows:
Changing your direction while sleeping;
Strenuous activity;
When you rise out of bed in the morning;
After an exercise session.


● The femoral artery pain could be due to ► hernia ◄. Hernia is a condition in which the muscle, that holds the organ, becomes weak; thereby, creating a bulge accompanied with excruciating pain, and discomfort. Orchitis is a condition that may cause pain. This condition involves the testicles getting inflamed; thus resulting in discomfort, and weakness.
● There is also a probability of ► kidney stones ◄ causing this pain. Kidney stone is a solid and strong piece, formed in the kidney, through the substances found in the urine.

● The femoral artery pain may also have its originating points in the growth of ► renal stones ◄, further leading to groin swellings.
● Conditions, like, ► arthritis, fractures, and bone dislocations ◄ can also trigger the pain.

● ► Leydig Cell Tumor ◄ can also result in the femoral artery pain. This tumor develops from the testicles (responsible in releasing the male hormones).
● ► Swollen groin lymph nodes, testicular injury, pelvis fracture, testicular torsion, muscle pull, and enlarged lymph glands ◄ could also be the causes of pain.

● Femoral artery pain during ► pregnancy ◄ can also occur in women. Groin pain in women is found in various stages of pregnancy.
A woman experiences pain either in the lower back, upper thighs, the hip joints, or the genital area. Women pass through phases of hormonal changes that result in the pelvic joints becoming weak; thus, leading to groin pain.
● Superficial femoral artery pain is caused when the femoral artery gets ► blocked with plaque ◄. Plaque is the fat, cholesterol, and tissues that get stuck in the inner walls of the artery. They block the arterial passage, restricting the blood flow, and making the thighs susceptible to numbness.
Therefore, there is pain experienced by an individual in the hip area, thighs, calves, and feet.

There may also be discrepancies endured by an individual while walking, and continuing with his daily chores. Thus, his quality of life is disturbed and disrupted; curbing him to lead a normal, and active lifestyle. In this case, a Renal Superficial Femoral Artery Endarterectomy is performed to relieve the individual from the painful condition.


Risk factors must be combated through exercise, a diligent diet plan, and watching your weight.

When this condition is diagnosed, the next step you are bound to take is the treatment and recovery measures. As mentioned, pain in the femoral artery involves certain risk factors.
If the femoral artery suffers blockage, surgery is the most lucrative option available so that the blood flow in the legs is retained.
After the surgery is completed, (inclusive of the hospital stay that is required of the patient) he is free to resume his daily duties; provided, he discusses his activities with the surgeon, and receives a formal consent for the same.
In some fortunate cases, the medical practitioner concerned could recommend that there is no surgery required or even if it is the necessity, the treatment may be administered for a brief, stipulated period. However, this is possible only when the artery pain and the consequent damage is in its neonatal stages.
As a form of treatment, corticosteroids are administered, to stub the pain and swelling that some people experience.
gentle massage, walking around with the help of braces to provide you with the required support, and therapies to deal with this health situation are solution and treatment guidelines that may help you, if and when recommended by the practitioner; thereby, taking your case exclusively into consideration.
Remember that this condition is painful. It would be beneficial if you garner an expert consult as soon as you sense certain symptoms indicating pain. It would be to your advantage not to delay the condition. Take care!
As a form of treatment, corticosteroids are administered, to stub the pain and swelling that some people experience. A gentle massage, walking around with the help of braces to provide you with the required support, and therapies to deal with this health situation are solution and treatment guidelines that may help you, if and when recommended by the practitioner; thereby, taking your case exclusively into consideration.
Remember that this condition is painful. It would be beneficial if you garner an expert consult as soon as you sense certain symptoms indicating pain. It would be to your advantage not to delay the condition. Take care!