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Fibromyalgia Symptoms List

Shalu Bhatti
Do you always feel hurt, exhausted and suffer from unexplained pain all over the body? Go through the fibromyalgia symptoms mentioned in theĀ given story to determine if this condition could be the reason behind the discomfort!
Before we get on to the fibromyalgia symptoms checklist, it is important for you to know what exactly is fibromyalgia! Most of the symptoms of this condition can also be associated with other health conditions which makes it very important for us to first properly understand the actual meaning of fibromyalgia.

What is Fibromyalgia?

If you have a feeling of being exhausted all the time, if you feel that each and every part of your body is hurt, wounded, and is filled with pain, if you are unable to figure out the reason as to why you are experiencing all this, then may be you should consider checking yourself for fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic health issue wherein the patient suffers from unexplained pain, even when touched with a slight pressure. This happens specially on tender points of your body like the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
The body always tends to be restless... usually because of the pain. This is one reason why these patients have sleep disorders like sleep deprivation and sleep apnea. Fibromyalgia is not a common health condition and only 2% of the people in the United States are affected by it, out of whom, most of them are women. The causes of occurrence of fibromyalgia is unknown as of now but they are usually experienced after an extreme physical or emotional trauma.

List of Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Though the condition is very rare, its symptoms are equally common! Yes, the symptom list for fibromyalgia mentioned here, includes symptoms that can be associated with other health conditions as well.
Not only this, these signs and symptoms can also vary depending from person to person, and also other factors like the age, weather, lifestyle, etc., of the person. Experts also say that the symptoms of fibromyalgia also vary depending upon the time of the day.
According to webmd, the symptoms are usually minimal during the mornings and afternoons (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.), whereas the evenings and nights are usually more troublesome.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Associated with Pain

Pain is the most noticeable as well as the most bothering symptom in this condition. Though the pain is not excruciating, but the patient always tends to experience this constantly dull body ache, either all over, or at certain muscles, ligaments and tendons of the body. In fact, it is believed by the researchers that the patients with fibromyalgia have brains which are more sensitive to the pain signals.
The neurotransmitters of the brain of such patients behave abnormally making the person more sensitive towards the pain, even if it's just a firm pressure. MentionedĀ here are the areas of the body which are likely to develop the pain.
These are also known as the fibromyalgia trigger points. Have a look!
  • Upper chest pain
  • Pain between shoulder blades
  • Pain in upper hips
  • Side hip pain
  • Pain in the shoulder tops
  • Pain in the back of the head
  • Pain in the front portion of the neck
  • Pain in the outer elbows
  • Pain in the inner knees
  • Pain in the jaws
  • Constant headaches
  • Painful menstrual cycle
  • Pain in the upper back
  • Pain can alter with factors like noise, weather, cold, certain foods, and light.

Other Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Apart from the pain, which is more or less prevalent in the whole body, there are other prominent symptoms that a fibromyalgia patient may experience. Have a look.
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Stiff joints
  • Loss of sleep
  • Short term memory loss
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Slow pace of healing and recovering from physical injuries.
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Lack of physical exertion
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Food allergies
  • Repulsion towards certain odors
  • Endometriosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Dryness in eyes and mouth
  • Allergies towards certain medications
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Inability to perform mental tasks
  • Dental problems associated with pain, rotting, and extraction
  • A sense of swelling in your hands and feet when actually there is no swelling at all!
  • Increased frequency in urination.
  • Numbness in the body which is usually experienced in the hands, feet, face, arms and legs.
Fibromyalgia can also be considered as a genetic disorder. This is so because this disorder is more likely to be in a person (especially women) who has a family history of the same. If that is the case, then symptoms in children can also be observed. Other than that, there can be certain infections or an extreme physical or emotional trauma that can make a person more prone to develop fibromyalgia.
Most of the time, the symptoms mentioned in the list above tend to be neglected or misunderstood as laziness. This is the reason why it is a rare scenario for this condition to be detected at an early stage itself. If you doubt that the uneasiness that you feel all the time can be due to fibromyalgia, then do not delay to get in touch with your health care specialist as soon as possible. Take care.