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Fingernail Disorders

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Fingernail disorders can be a result of several factors such as improper hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, infections, and other underlying medical conditions. Some commonly reported disorders include discoloration, onychomycosis, pterygium, psoriasis, vertical ridges, brittle nails, and vertical ridges.
The general fingernail health indicates a lot about the overall fitness of an individual. Fingernails are composed of keratin, protein, and sulfur. On an average, they grow to about 0.05-1.2 mm per week. Healthy fingernails appear pinkish in color and smooth in texture.
Any change in the growth, color, shape, and texture may be a symptom of the underlying health condition. Taking this into account, some dermatologists consider fingernails as a window for the body's health reference. For example, very thick fingernails indicate circulatory disorders, while deep blue ones are a sign of emphysema.
As far as the disorders of the fingernail are concerned, there are several abnormalities which can be identified by examining the nail texture and color. Infections to the fingernails can be caused by bacteria, fungi, and/or virus. Here is a list of the common fingernail disorders, diseases, and irregularities:

Fungal or Yeast Infection

Fingernail fungus infection or onychomycosis is the most common nail disorder, which is frequently observed among women. Hundreds of people seek medical attention for treatment of nail fungus. The fungus attacks the keratin that makes up the nail plate.
In the early stages of such an infection, the nail appears whitish or yellowish in color. Subsequently, the texture and shape of the infected fingernails change along with the accumulation of dark organic debris underneath the nails. If left untreated, the nail plate may separate from the nail bed.


Pterygium of the fingernails is characterized by the inward growing of the skin along with the nail plate. Deep injury to the nails and damage to the nail plate causes loss of the nail plate tissues, leading to the development of the pterygium nail condition.
Do not try to remove the skin growth as it causes intense pain and bleeding. For treatment of this problem, the dermatologist may prescribe a specific dosage of cortisone medications.

Nail Psoriasis

Dry scales, crumpling of the nails, and at times raw skin are the noticeable signs of fingernail psoriasis. Since, the symptoms of nail psoriasis is more or less similar to eczema, it is often confused as a symptom of the skin problem.
At times, the nail plate may have an abnormal coloration like brown, orange, or red. In severe cases, the nail plate may separate from the nail bed. Treatment of this problem should be done with medical supervision.

Brittle Fingernails

Brittle or weak fingernails is a common nail disorder that results in breakage of the distal ends. This nail disorder is exacerbated by frequent exposure to water and harsh-cleaning agents. Hence, it occurs quite common among housewives. Dehydrating the nails with moisturizer and minimizing exposure to the triggering factors help in treatment of brittle nails.

Vertical Ridges

Vertical ridges in the fingernails are caused due to the depletion of natural oils and moisture from the nail plate. Though these ridges are a sign of aging, it is not restricted to elderly persons only. Any individual, irrespective of the age and sex can develop vertical ridges. Applying nail oil and supplementing diet with vitamin E rich foods will help in curing this nail disorder.
Similar to any medical condition, correct diagnosis of the fingernail disorders is crucial for getting the proper treatment. On the brighter side, majority of the disorders and infections respond effectively with regular nail care. In case the fingernail health does not improve even after practicing basic caring tips, it is always advisable to consult and seek advice from a qualified dermatologist.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.