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What are the First Signs of Being Pregnant?

Bhavya Verma
Read on to find out if you are experiencing the first signs of being pregnant..
The first signs of pregnancy vary greatly from one woman to another. Some might see major changes from the first week after conception and others might not know until they have missed a period. Women might experience all, some or none of these signs. These may be experienced throughout the duration of the pregnancy or during the first trimester.

Signs of Being Pregnant in the First Month

Pregnancy results in a lot of changes in the body. These changes can be experienced in varied asperity. The very first signs of being pregnant can be confusing, since many a time, they are similar to an expected menstruation.

Food Antipathy and Craving

Some women feel a sudden aversion to their favorite food, others develop a liking for the food they disliked earlier. These variations are mostly due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body, especially during the first trimester.

Aches and Fever

Due to the hormonal surge, women experience frequent, mild headaches, back pain and a high basal body temperature. Basal body temperature is the oral temperature just after waking up. If it remains high for more than 15 days in a row, it may be due to pregnancy.

Darkening of Areolas

The darkening of the skin around the nipples is a sign of successful conception, though it may also be due to hormonal imbalance or a remnant of earlier conception.

Breast Tenderness

The breasts become heavy, swollen, tender and some may even experience a sharp pain or a tingling sensation. These changes can be seen as early as two weeks after the conception.

Nausea and Vomiting

This is one of the classic pregnancy symptoms. Nausea may begin as early as two weeks into the pregnancy and may last till the entire duration of it. Morning sickness, as it is famously known as, can occur at any time of the day and is due to the increased estrogen levels.


Constipation is a common occurrence in early pregnancy. This is due to release of progesterone, which causes slow movement of food in the digestive tract.

Spotting or Cramping

It is also known as implantation bleeding. This occurs when the embryo attaches itself to the inner uterine wall. It occurs around 10 to 15 days after fertilization. The spotting is pinkish or brownish in color and may sometimes be accompanied with cramps, similar to menstrual cramps.


Fatigue during the first few months is common. It occurs due to an increase in the levels of progesterone. Also, lLower blood sugar levels and pressure may result in tiredness. This is one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Frequent Urination

The embryo produces hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone due to which, the fluid content of the body increases. The uterus starts becoming larger and this increases pressure on the bladder. Hence, the need to urinate increases.

Mood Swings

This is common in the first trimester but can be seen throughout the gestation period. Frequent changes in the mood, especially crying for no reason, can be seen in the women. This is due to the hormonal fluctuation in the body.

Missing a Period

This is one of the few very first signs. Many women get alerted only when they miss a period. Although, it could be due to other reasons like stress, illness, weight fluctuation or quitting the contraceptive pill, missing a period is considered as one of the surest signs of being pregnant.
Apart from these, some women may also feel heartburn, extreme thirst, lethargy, slight increase in weight and a heightened sense of smell. Sometimes, a dip in basal body temperature can also be seen on the day of implantation, if it is constantly being monitored.
When you experience a mix of these signs of being pregnant, you might actually be pregnant. But, do not solely depend on these symptoms and always take a home pregnancy test for detecting the pregnancy. If the results are positive, contact your family doctor or a gynecologist as soon as possible.