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Foamy Urine Symptoms

Kundan Pandey
By knowing various symptoms of foamy urine, individuals can be aware of any possibility of medical complications. Check the symptoms of foamy urine mentioned further and know if it can be a cause of medical concern for you.
In normal conditions, human urine resembles straw yellow color and any deviation from its distinguishing clear straw yellow appearance makes it appear turbid (also commonly called cloudy urine or foamy urine). Occurrence of foamy urine is not necessarily a worrying issue, as it can be due to dehydration in which more concentrated urine is passed.
But if the presence of foamy urine is a frequent phenomenon, it is time to meet a medical expert, as persistent foamy urine can be a subtle sign of something wrong inside the body.

Overview of Foamy Urine Signs

What can be the symptom of foamy urine other than it is of distinctly different color. Normal urine is very clear and yellow in appearance but if you observe foamy urine, the color of the urine won't be clear or distinct. It will be what we can say cloudy, turbid and unclear.
Some other symptoms of foamy urine can be the presence of blood and pus in the urine. If an individual observes persistent foamy urine, he must check for blood and pus in the urine, as they can also be the contributing factors in creating turbid appearance of the excreted urine.
In case of women, the presence of vaginal discharge due to medical conditions like vaginitis can make the urine clouded with sediments, giving it a frothy appearance. Foamy urine is not a nightmare situation because it can happen even after a forceful discharge of urine.

When to be Concerned Regarding Signs of Foamy Urine

In case, foamy urine is the cause of your concern for prolonged time, it is essential to go to a doctor. He or she will recommend you to go for a urinalysis test and by the help of that, the doctor will determine the root cause of your problem. Sometimes, the cause of foamy urine is nothing but the presence of protein in the urine.
This can occur after consuming a lot of fish, chicken or other meats. Similarly, people who are into the habit of taking protein powders may find that after eating the supplements, they will experience a more denser, frothy urine.
The reason behind all this is that the extra protein in fish or other meats and protein powder is not absorbed by the body leading to its passage through the urine. In medical terminology, presence of excess amounts of protein in the urine is called proteinuria.
Similarly, another cause of foamy urine can be urinary tract infections (UTI). In UTI, an individual will experience the presence of foamy urine along with a feeling of burning sensation while urinating. This can be a cause of concern and if the foamy urine is accompanied by burning sensation, it is time to go for a kidney check up.
Medical experts also believe that sometimes foamy urine can also be a hint towards severe diseases like Crohn's Disease, in which there is an inflammation of the intestines.
If you observe that foamy urine stops when you cut back on high protein foods consistently, you can be assured that it was due to consumption of foods containing high amount of proteins that were not digested by the body. However, even if after that step, you see little improvement in the color of the urine, visit a urologist.
It is necessary to rule out the possibility of kidney diseases, as that will let you breathe in peace. The fact is that one must not get scared with foamy urine symptoms, as they can be normal. However, as a caution, one must visit the doctor, before it is too late.