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Foods That Induce Periods

Azmin Taraporewala
Yes, foods that induce periods certainly exist. If you suffer from irregular periods or amenorrhea (no periods at all), here are some tips on foods that ought to be consumed when you want to regulate your periods.
There are many women who endure menstrual troubles and are constantly worried about how cycles can be regulated. Instead of popping supplements and pills, it is suggested that the foods you consume must serve to be your helping hand. Studies reveal that consuming certain types of foods that induce periods can help a great deal.
Women who are regular with their menstruation cycles have an appropriate estrogen supply. It has been observed that when the estrogen level is high during the cycle, women are more at ease with themselves in terms of confidence, performing tasks and accomplishing goals.
They are also noted to be all the more interactive and socially agile. They are in the position of expressing themselves clearly.
On the other hand, when women suffer from irregular periods or amenorrhea, that is no periods at all, then they are known to be all the more susceptible to high stress levels and fail to possess the right outlook. The point of highest estrogen is your pre-ovulatory stage.
If you are on a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs from days 12 - 16. Nevertheless, the ovulation period varies depending on your stress level, the food you eat, and the exercise you indulge in. Thus, we can conclude that the process of ovulation occurs depending and varying from woman to woman.

Foods You Must Consume to Make Your Menstrual Cycle Regular

There are many foods women can consume to induce periods or stimulate menstruation. One thing that needs to be borne in mind is that these foods should be consumed in larger or adequate quantities in order to make the menstrual cycle regular. Reading this section will show you how to induce menstruation, with the help of certain foods.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids must be consumed in order to prevent the blood vessels in the ovaries from sustaining any damage. As the blood vessels in your ovaries are tiny, they need to be protected as the blood flow is further damaged resulting in poor or impaired blood circulation.
Smoking, obesity, and high cholesterol are certain factors that can negatively affect your ovarian blood vessels, thereby blocking your hormones and blood flow.
Fish oils are the best to be consumed in order to regulate menstrual cycles and enhance blood circulation. It is also helpful in reducing damage caused by the effects of aging and increase dopamine, a feel good hormone thereby restricting the mood meters from swinging rapidly.
You may include fish oil in some of your foods instead of having fish, and including it directly in your diet, as some fish like tuna and mackerel have certain levels of mercury consistency in them.

Avoid White Foods

Avoid white flour, sugar, white potatoes, white bread, white pasta, and white rice, in order to regulate the menstrual flow and your menstrual cycle. They disrupt your menstrual cycle, that eventually results in fat storage. This excess fat storage negatively affects ovulation and your periods.
Most of the foods that we consume are those that are not white in nature. Make sure that you do not consume any food that has a white appearance. Green leafy vegetables can make inducing periods naturally much easier.
Thus, you must include fiber and greens in your daily diet to get your periods back on track. Parsley is a herb that could be used to induce periods and regulate the menstrual cycles.


Proteins are components that balance the hormones of the body. Thus, consuming proteins is an essential part of the dietary plan that women enduring troubles with their menstrual cycles must follow.
Plant proteins are termed good for fertility and hormonal balance. You can consume almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, soy chips, hummus and canned sardines. They are foods that induce periods.

Vitamin D

This vitamin improves and stabilizes your hormones. Vitamin D is also vital in preventing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancers.
Vitamin D ranges on a rarity in foods. However, you must eat vitamin D-fortified milk products, tuna, egg yolks, salmon, sardines, and cod liver oil. There could be some products that you may find detestable in taste. However, they need to be indulged in when one needs to get rid of irregularities in menstrual cycles.
These are some of the foods that induce periods. It is important that you consume these foods so that you may derive relief and feel much better when you have your menstrual cycle regulated. If you are not really comfortable with all these or have tried them for a while and want a pleasant change, you may switch to dark chocolates.

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Dark chocolates contain flavonoids that enhance and increase the dopamine levels in the body. Now that counts for a religious indulgence!