Eating habits contributes a lot to your health, so this story on "foods to avoid with acid reflux" will help you to avoid the food which is not good for health at the time of acid reflux. Read to know more.
Acid reflux is a condition in which the hydrochloric acid in the stomach tries to flow back to the food pipe or the esophagus which causes heartburn and upset stomach. Acid reflux is also known as GERD or Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease. It is a very common problem and some even suffer from it daily.
Overeating, excess consumption of spicy food, stomach ulcer, lack of digestive enzymes, etc., are some of the causes of acid reflux. But a proper diet can help you to get rid of acid reflux. Food can be a solution as well as cause for many diseases.
Many people wonder what foods to avoid when suffering from acid reflux as they usually get confused with the suggestions they get from almost every person who gets to know about their problem. So, just follow our list of foods which should be avoided in the GERD diet.
List of Foods to Avoid With Acid Reflux
There are some foods which can trigger or can contribute to acid reflux condition. So, following are some of the foods that should be avoid when suffering from acid reflux.
Fatty and Fried Food
When we eat fatty food the digestion becomes very slow and the food remains inside our stomach for a prolonged period of time. This increases the pressure inside the stomach which forces the food to enter the food pipe and hence result in acid reflux.
Spicy Food
Pepper, chili and other spices can contribute to the heartburn causes. Some people may have a problem with ginger, garlic and onion also. So, better to avoid such food or minimizes its intake.
Citrus Fruits
The fruits containing citrus acid adds to the problem of acid reflux. Orange, tomato, grapes and cranberry are some of the fruits which have high citrus content. Some fruits make the lower esophageal opening over relaxed and this results in the back flow of acid to the food pipe.
Chocolates have theobromine content which occurs naturally in the coffee, tea-plant and cocoa. This content relaxes the lower part of the esophagus known as sphincter muscle which further allows the acid to flow back to the food pipe.
So, better add this to the list of foods to avoid specially in case of children when they are suffering from acid reflux. If you are really crazy about chocolates then go for a dark or organic chocolate but limit the consumption.
Alcohol Consumption
Any type of alcohol consumption can lead to acid reflux. They slow down the digestion process and relax the esophageal opening which further results in acid reflux. Smoking can also be one of the factor responsible for acid reflux.
In hotels and even at home, many people have the habit of eating peppermint after the food. It can be good as a mouth freshener but is harmful if you are prone to acid reflux. So avoid spearmint and peppermints as it triggers acid reflux conditions.
Avoid the intake of meat such as ground beef, chicken nuggets, buffalo wings, etc. as they can be a cause of acid reflux conditions which can further result in heartburn and other indigestion causes.
Dairy Products
It is advisable to avoid some of the dairy products such as sour cream, cheese, ice creams, yogurt, etc. Many people have the habit to drink milk in the night before going to sleep but drinking milk after a heavy or rich meal can add to your acid reflux problems. So avoid drinking milk at night.
Some desserts like brownie, butter cookie, donut, etc. can add to your acid reflux problem.
Other Foods
Other foods that can cause acid reflux are high-carbohydrate foods like bread, macaroni and spaghetti, potato and corn fries and fast foods items like burgers, etc. You should also avoid red sauces to get rid of acid reflux. Carbonated beverages are also considered responsible for inducing acid reflux.
So, now that you know about the foods to avoid with acid reflux, I am sure you will definitely take care of it. Instead of having big meal twice a day have small meals four times and never Never lie down immediately after the meal. This will help the body to digest the food more efficiently.
Smoking adds a lot to acid reflux conditions hence stop smoking to get rid of this condition as soon as possible. If the conditions get worse, consult a doctor immediately.