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Foods to Avoid with Ulcers

Pragya T
Certain foods can worsen ulcers. Here is a list of foods to avoid if you are prone to developing ulcers or trying to heal them.
Ulcer is a sore, which forms in the stomach, the upper part of the small intestine called the duodenum, mouth, or genital organs. Sores are open and painful wounds that cause a lot of discomfort. Peptic ulcers are extremely common; however, with certain lifestyle and dietary changes you can reduce the risk of developing them.

Foods to Avoid

Here is a list of foods to avoid when you have ulcers, if you have a tendency of developing ulcers, or if you are trying to heal the ulcers.
➜ Reduce your intake of spicy foods. However, there is no clear evidence as yet proving that spicy foods cause ulcers, but their intake has shown to aggravate the condition. So, avoid chili peppers, black peppers, curry powder, mustard, and other strong spices.
➜ Alcohol and caffeine should be completely avoided. This is because these food items tend to increase the acidity of the stomach, and thus, contribute to ulcer development or make it worse.
➜ A study showed that a higher intake of salt and soy sauce increased the risk of stomach ulcers. So, avoid adding additional salt to your plate and use those varieties of salt that have a lower sodium content.
➜ If you have ulcers, then do not smoke. Avoid any anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen or aspirin. Avoid chewing lots of chewing gums as they stimulate the production of acid. Also, avoid having foods that are too cold or hot.
➜ Other foods like high-fat meat, high-fat milk and milk products, sugary foods, fried foods, and citrus foods should also be avoided in order to maintain a good digestive health.
Apart from avoiding the above foods, you should also follow some other precautions when on a stomach ulcer diet. Eat small portions of meals rather than having one large meal. So, eat frequent small meals. You can try having 3 to 6 meals everyday. Also, avoid overeating.
While having your meals, eat in a relaxed manner and chew your food slowly and properly. Lastly, avoid stress, because though it is not a cause of ulcers, it is definitely a contributing factor that can aggravate the condition and delay the healing time.

Best Foods to Eat

Here is a list of foods that you can have as a part of an ulcer treatment diet.
➜ Some studies showed that omega-3 found in oily fish, like mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon can help relieve ulcers. Omega-3, which are the good fats, help increase the production of a compound that protects the lining of the entire digestive passage.
➜ Antioxidants are beneficial for reducing the risk of ulcers and easing the ulcer symptoms. Eating vegetables and fruits, like carrots, kale, cabbage juice, kiwifruit, and apricots can protect the lining of the stomach and intestine due to their vitamin C and beta-carotene content.
➜ Also, vitamin E from foods like hazelnut, wheat germ, cold-pressed oils like sunflower seed oil and soybean oil can also help treat ulcers.
➜ Chamomile tea is relaxing and can help ease the stomach ulcer pain. Some nutritionists also advise treatment using amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
➜ Increasing your fiber intake can help reduce duodenal ulcer. This is because fibers promote the development of a healthy protective layer of mucin in the stomach and intestines. Another great food for healing and reducing the risk of ulcers is low-fat and nonfat yogurt.
If you are suffering from ulcers, then stay away from the above-listed foods. Also, following some other preventive measures and a good diet can prove to be extremely beneficial.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.