Elbow and Forearm Pain

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Forearm Tendonitis

Overuse of the forearms is the main cause behind forearm tendonitis. This story provides comprehensive information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment measures.
Ujwal Deshmukh
Elbow and Forearm Pain
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Excessive pressure or overuse might weaken or cause damage to anything in this world. Human body parts are no exception to it! Many times you tend to make excessive use of your forearms for heavy physical activities, such as lifting weights or doing any other work that involves the use of forearm strength.
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On such occasions, you might experience pain, swelling, and inflammation in the forearms. This might not be serious in the initial days; however, if you continue to overwork the forearm muscles (even when you are experiencing pain), then you might develop forearm tendonitis, which is characterized by pain, inflammation, and swelling in the forearm region.
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It is most commonly seen in people who are involved in jobs that require too much heavy physical hard work.
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Probable Causes

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➜ Forearm tendonitis is the result of a torn forearm muscle. This tearing further puts pressure on the tendon and causes it to swell. This might prove to be harmful, as it causes severe pain and inflammation in the forearm.
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➜ Although the most important and common cause of this condition is overuse of forearms, there are many other factors that might lead to this problem. The second most common cause is aging. Aging actually brings in many positive and negative changes in a person.
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➜ This is because aging causes weakening of the muscles and makes them prone to problems such as tendonitis. Another common cause is injury. This is the most obvious cause! A severe injury to the forearm muscle can cause pain and swelling.
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➜ Such a pain if not treated properly, can graduate into forearm tendonitis, causing more trouble to the person. This leads to pain, stiffness in the forearms, swelling, and inflammation. Generally, the pain is felt while using the forearms.
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Treatment Options

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► Stretches

By far, the most effective treatment for this condition is performing stretches. 
A couple of exercises have been explained here:
  • Sit on a chair and then rest the rear side of the forearms on your knees. Now, close your fingers and then stretch your wrist downwards, as much as possible. Do not overstretch. Maintain this position for some seconds and then open your fingers and try to pull them towards your side.
Keep this position for some seconds and then relax. You can do 2 - 3 sets with 10 - 12 repetitions.
  • The next type of stretch is a bit simpler. Sit on a chair and rest the rear side of the forearms on your knees. Now, close your fingers and then stretch your wrist downwards. Hold this position for about 15 - 20 seconds and then stretch your wrist upwards. Again, hold this position for about 15 - 20 seconds.
Repeat this exercise for about 10 - 12 times with 3 repetitions.

► Medications

One of the best forms of treatment is to avoid all physical activities and rest your forearm. You can also opt for pain killers. Anti-inflammatory medications also prove to be useful in some cases. However, consult a doctor before taking them.
Ice treatment is also a good remedy. Applying an ice pack on the affected area, for about 10 - 15 minutes everyday, would help in reducing the pain.
Forearm tendonitis is not a serious problem. However, it is up to you to cure it promptly and also to not let it aggravate. Medical intervention is necessary if the pain does not alleviate with the above-suggested treatment measures.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.