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Formaldehyde Allergy Symptoms

Mamta Mule
Many of us are exposed to formaldehyde on a daily basis, but are not aware of its negative effects on our health. This story lists some symptoms that indicate formaldehyde exposure in human beings.
Formaldehyde is a chemical that has a myriad of uses in industries dealing with cosmetics to those that produce wrinkle-free clothing. It is also commonly used as a preservative in some vaccines given to children. But with so many benefits, formaldehyde has its darker side too. Regular or prolonged exposure to this chemical might trigger bouts of unpleasant symptoms.

Common symptoms include...

» Runny nose
» Burning sensation and irritation in eyes
» Irritation in throat
» Coughing
» Wheezing
» Tightness in throat
» Watery eyes are also experienced.
» Inflamed eyes
» Blurred vision
» Excessive tearing

Severe symptoms include...

» Breathlessness
» Pulmonary edema
» Pneumonitis
☞ If you are allergic to formaldehyde and your skin comes in direct contact with a strong formaldehyde solution, or fabrics in which formaldehyde was used, you will notice a skin reaction; symptoms may include:
  • Redness
  • Burning sensation
  • Skin rash
  • Scaling
  • Cracking
  • Skin discoloration
  • Extreme skin irritation
☞ Other symptoms include:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Diarrhea
☞ Children can be more susceptible to the allergic effects of formaldehyde. As their immune system is still in development stage, chemicals like formaldehyde can easily trigger reactions in them. In kids, even a small amount of formaldehyde can at times lead to formaldehyde allergy reactions like dermatitis, headache, respiratory tract effects or asthma.
☞ Larger doses of formaldehyde can lead to fever, severe pain in the digestive tract, shallow respiration, irregular pulse or lack of consciousness.

What is the Treatment?

The first thing to do in case of any allergy is to avoid contact with the substance causing allergic reaction. With formaldehyde present in so many items, it might be difficult to do so. If your skin or eyes come in direct contact with formaldehyde, you must soon flush that part with cold water.
If you observe the formaldehyde allergy reaction symptoms after consuming food, drink a lot of water or milk so as to dilute it and consult a physician.
In case of skin reaction, topical ointments used for eczema and contact dermatitis will be prescribed by your doctor for allergy relief. You can check the list of ingredients in cosmetics before using them to avoid skin reaction.
There is no specific treatment for curing formaldehyde allergy. The primary treatment includes avoiding further contact with this chemical. A patch test will help confirm formaldehyde allergy. It is essential that you consult a reputed doctor to confirm the same as ignorance can prove harmful to your health.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.