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Frequent Urination Causes

Girija Shinde
Frequent urination is one problem that is faced by many people but discussed very less. There is not one but many causes for the problem. This story provides some information about the condition, its causes and treatment.
Frequent urination is an annoying condition wherein the affected person tends to urinate more than usual. This problem could make a person feel uncomfortable as well as embarrassed. The condition when observed at night is medically known as nocturia.
The bladder has a capacity to hold around 600ml of urine, but the urge to urinate is felt even when there is just 150ml of urine in it.
Human beings generally urinate four to eight times a day. If one feels the urge to go to the washroom more frequently than this, or if there is a need to urinate more than once in the night; the person is said to exhibit this symptom which could lead to further complications.


Diabetes Mellitus: It is a group of diseases, in which the level of blood sugar is elevated. There are two forms of diabetes mellitus, which are known as type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Frequent urination is a symptom seen in both these types.
Diabetes Insipidus: Diabetes insipidus, commonly known as DI, is another cause. In fact, the symptom is observed mostly in this type of diabetes than others. An anti-diuretic hormone, is very low in case of this diabetes. This hormone helps to absorb the water that passes during the filtration process of the body.
Due to this, the urine is pale in color. This diabetes is like a vicious circle because, when a large amount of urine is passed, one feels more thirsty than usual, in order to fill in the lack. This again leads to urination.
Urinary Tract Infection: If one is suffering from this infection, urinating more than usual would be a prominent and consistent condition. In the case of urinary tract infection (UTI), the lining of the tube that carries urine from the bladder (urethra) inflames. Further, the irritation causes the bladder the urge to relieve itself frequently.
Prostate Problems: Prostate problems are also one of the major reasons. An enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine by pressing against the urethra. Due to this the bladder is irritated and it contracts, even when there is very little amount of urine in it.
Other prostate problems in which the symptom of constant urination is seen is prostate cancer and benign prostate hypertrophy.
Pregnancy: Urinating frequently is also observed during pregnancy. The reason being the hormonal changes that are taking place and as the uterus is growing, which would exert pressure on the bladder, thereby causing frequent urination. This condition remains the same throughout the pregnancy.
Overactive Bladder Syndrome: A symptom of overactive bladder syndrome, known as urge incontinence is caused by involuntary contraction of the muscle in the wall of the urinary bladder. This causes an urgent and unstoppable urge to urinate.
Overactive bladder is commonly seen in older people. This condition is also one of the most commonly observed causes in USA, as one in eleven adults is observed to be affected by this syndrome.
The other causes that are not very common are; bladder cancer, kidney stones, congestive heart failure, etc.


The treatment would depend mainly on the underlying cause. All the conditions which cause this symptom, have complete treatments which should be followed based on the advise of the concerned doctor only. If the cause is pregnancy, there is no ideal treatment for it as the condition would generally subside after the pregnancy.
For overactive bladder syndrome, remedies like Kegel's exercise or vaginal weight training are recommended.
On a conclusive note, frequent urination is more of a symptom and not a disease in itself. However, if one is affected by the condition, it is better to seek the advise from the concerned doctor, so as to avoid any further complications.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.